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社評0813 教育家季家鳳離世

社評0813  教育家季家鳳離世



著名休斯敦教育家季家鳳近日去世 和她結縭數十載的楊家驊先生亦於年前離世 這對休斯敦僑學界的模範夫妻 多年來貢獻非凡 為大家留下永遠之追憶和感謝

我曾拜讀她的長篇著作你好 休斯敦 導盡了她們生長在中國大陸最艱困之日子 並經過文革時代 整家人共食醬油飯之日子 但是季教授走出了時代之噩夢 年青時來到這塊土地繼續打拼 博士 正教授 子女爭氣成人 服務僑社從不落人後 如今她走完苦難又完美的一生 和夫婿在天上再聚 是美好的結局 應無遺憾

近百年來 由於中國戰亂或其他原因 我們許多移居海外的華夏兒女不論身處何處 仍然會凝聚在傳承文化之巨樹下 發揮傳統文化人溺己溺之精神 時時為社區送上溫暖 季家凰老師就是其中表率 我們希望她一路好走


國會眾議院週五以二二O對二o七票通過了民主黨所提七千五百億之民生反通膨法案 也是拜登政府一次重大之勝利 總統將會立即簽署生效

其中最主要的是對氣候變遷及醫療政策之重大改變 將近三千七百億之経費將用於清潔能源及氣侯變化之項目 是美國有史以來最大之新能源投資其中將獎勵節省能源之新項目

此法案之通過對民主黨而言在期中選舉也許是件非常重要之發展 就以目前美國面臨之國內通貨膨脹及物價上漲 對執政黨是非常不利的

我們樂見民生法案之通過 但是如果籌措財源是一大問題 政府大量之支出 只有造成政府繼續債台高筑

Educator Dr. Ji Jiafeng Has Passed Away

Professor Ji Jiafeng has passed away. Her husband, My Yang Jia Hwa, who has been married for many decades also passed away not too long ago. This model couple in the Houston Chinese community has made extraordinary contributions for many years, leaving their legacy and gratitude for everyone.

I once read her book, “Hello Houston,” which guided the couple to grow up in the most difficult days in China, including the era of the culture revolution.

The whole family many times ate only rice with soy sauce, but by the time she came to the United States, through hard work, she became a professor in the university. This is a very important success story for the new immigrant. Now she will be united with her husband in Heaven. It should be a good ending with no regrets.

For more than one hundred years, due to war and civil war in China, many Chinese left their country to seek a better life. Professor Ji was one of them.

Our community lost one of its leaders. Her contributions will be remembered forever.

Congress Passes The Inflation Reduction Act

With a vote of 220-207, the House of Representatives passed the $750 billion healthcare, energy and climate bill. This represents a victory for President Joe Biden and this bill represents a milestone for Democrats and gives the party a chance to achieve a long-sought policy objective ahead of the upcoming midterm elections. This bill also represents the largest climate change and healthcare  policy by giving Medicare the power to negotiate the price of drugs.

We are happy to see the passage of this anti-inflation act, but we still need to watch how the money will be raised to pay for it.