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社評0820 中美俄三巨頭將在印尼碰面

社評0820 中美俄三巨頭將在印尼碰面



印尼政府證實中國國家主席習近平和俄羅斯總統普丁已経答應十一月會親自出席氏印尼巴里島舉行之二十國高峯會議 美國總統拜登正在考慮是否參加 一般相信他會出席這項非常重要的國際大會, 事實上, 拜登是主張把普丁驅逐出大會, 但是 並未成功。

近期來, 中美兩國關係因議長佩洛斯之訪冋台灣而繼續惡化 中國大陸以前所未有之武力發動在台海地區之軍事演習 並打破台海中缐展示對台海地區之武裝力量, 而美國也在近期將重返台灣海峽重申此地區是航行自由之通道。

中美兩國官員正在私下協商 希望兩國領導人在二十國高峯會上有面對面之會談, 但是一般認為機會不大。

我們甚盼兩國領導人能在巴厘島會見面 俗稱見面三分情 這兩大國必須共商大計,唯有他們能解除世界纠紛, 重返和平之路。

Political Showdown In Bali

Indonesian president Joko Widodo said both China’s President Xi and Russia’s President Putin would attend the G20 conference that will be setting up a political showdown in Indonesia.

The White House has not formally announced Biden’s travel to Asia for the conference, but officials say he is expected to attend. This conference is the first meeting of the G20 countries since Russia invaded Ukraine along with the increased tension around the issue of Taiwan.

U.S. and Chinese officials are working to arrange the first face-to-face meeting between President Biden and President Xi.

We all hope the two leaders will sit down and talk about the world’s pressing issues. We don’t want to see the relationship between China and the U.S. deteriorate any further.

Today the world is facing many problems including war, food shortages, Covid-19 and climate change. Unless we all work together, the situation will only get worse.