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社評 0902 新加強疫苗上市

社評 0902  新加強疫苗上市



疾病控制中心週四正式核準輝瑞及馬多娜兩家公司之新冠加強疫苗可以開始施打 同時批準輝瑞對十二歲以上孩童使用馬多娜對十八歲以上施打

聯邦政府將於近期內把疫苗送達地方政府 包括全國各地之藥房及施打中心

史丹福大學兒科主任醫師格麗斯李表示 我們預見今年冬天會遭受感冒及新冠疫情之侵襲 我們只有竭盡所能來保護大眾之健康



根據學區之報告顯示 過去兩年之疫情造成學童無法到校上課全國九歲學生之閱讀及數學水平已经急速下降 未來他們在學業成績上之巨大壓力

閱讀能力是三十年最差 這種現象是全國性的 尤其是黑人及拉丁裔學童最為嚴重

實在令人遺憾疫情期間學生們都在家上課 网上學習和在教室上課 有極大差異 尤其是一般窮困家庭 父母為生活奔波對兒女更疏於照顧網上上課之注意力更不夠 學業荒廢是必然結果

Student Scores Fell Sharply During The Pandemic

According to a new federal survey, math and reading scores for America’s 9-year-olds fell dramatically during the first two years of the pandemic.

Reading scores saw their largest decrease in 30 years, while math scores also decreased.

These declines were seen all over the nation and affected mostly whites, but students of color saw some of the steepest decreases.

According to the acting associate commissioner of NCES, Daniel McGrath, “These are some of the largest declines we have observed in a single assessment cycle in 50 years of the NAEP program.

We felt the same way when the pandemic hit our community. A lot of poor families just didn’t have time to take care of their kids. Many of them are wasting their time with online learning.

                      CDC Signed Off On Update Versions Of Booster Shot

The CDC signed off on Thursday on updated versions of Pfizer and Moderna’s Covid-19 boosters allowing vaccinations to begin.

The CDC said in a statement, “This recommendation followed a comprehensive scientific evaluation and robust scientific discussion. If you are eligible, there is no bad time to get your Covid-19 booster, and we strongly encourage you to receive it.”

Pfizer’s booster was authorized for people 12 and older, while Moderna’s booster is for people 18 and up.

The federal government is working to distribute the new shot to states in the next couple of days.

Many doctors anticipate there will be a tough winter season ahead both with the flu and with Covid-19. The Biden administration is urging all eligible people in the U.S. to get the new boosters as part of its fall booster campaign.