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社評0905 華裔領銜組美國第三黨

社評0905  華裔領銜組美國第三黨



一陣木材工廠之強風大火週日正在吞噬超過萬畝的北加州地區, 維德市有四千多畝地被吞噬 近一百個住宅被摧毁。


市府及州長紐森已經宣布此地區是重災區, 將盡力來搶救大火。

由於氣侯變遷近年來在加州各地不斷發生森林大火, 已經嚴重影響到人們之生活, 被稱之為“黃金之州”已經不斷在變色中, 如果環境無法改善將會對生命財產繼續造成損失。



曾經參加美國民主黨總統初選的華裔參選人楊安澤最近聯合共和及民主黨政界人士正式宣布成立進步黨, 旨在代表對目前兩黨不滿之選民另謀出路。

楊安澤表示 有百分之六十二之選民希望我們出現第三黨,因為他們認為民主共和兩黨無法為我們實現目標。

根據進步黨之目標可望在明年夏天舉行全國代表大會並準備在2024 年參加總統大選。

我們對於楊安澤之雄心大志表示由衷之敬佩, 他真是我們亞華裔之光 我們深感今天在非常特殊之政治環境下, 一定要向社會大眾發出聲音, 代表我們少數族裔之力量。

今天我們國內外環境非常惡劣之情勢下, 我們必須把少數人之力量凝聚起來 向當權者表達我們之不滿。

Mill Fire Burns Homes In California

The Mill fire which sparked north of the City of Weed in California has burned more than four thousand acres and as many as 100 homes may have been destroyed.

Three people have been injured in the blaze. 132 other structures have been affected nearby.

Officials said Mill the fire began in a shed in an inside portion of forest products. In the meantime, a forest fire crew also arrived to combat the nearby mountain fire where more than 1,000 residents were forced to leave the area.

Governor Newsom declared a state emergency to increase available resources for the firefighters and local people.

This is very sad to say, but because of the changing weather and the very dry season, California suffers many mountain fires.

                                            Andrew Yang Working On A Third Party

Asian American politician, Andrew Yang, along with a group of Republican and Democratic officials, are forming a new third party called, “Forward.”

Yang told reporters that 62% of Americans now want a third party, a record high, because they can see that our leaders aren’t getting the job done.

The new party is planning a national convention next summer and will soon seek to run in the 2024 presidential election.

We sincerely admire Andrew Yang’s ambition. He is really the light of our people. We deeply feel that today in a very difficult political environment, we must have a voice to the politicians and get their attention and express our dissatisfaction and unite in our strength.