社評 0907 國際區涼亭將破土興建

座落在休斯敦八號環市公路旁之斯多黎公園,本週六上午十時將為座美侖美奐之中式涼亭舉行破土典禮 ,這將為國際區加添更多的亞裔文化色彩。
這座由赫里斯郡政府資助名華裔建築師李兆瓊設計之涼亭, 將使公園增加了更多之文化特色, 充分表現我們族裔融合之氛圍。
近二十年來, 我們這些拓荒者在沿著百利大道上興建了繁榮之商業街, 隨著新移民之不斷增加,他們自己信奉之宗教也建造了各族裔不同之教會佛堂 ,他們的事業和信仰是牢而不破之精神支柱。
我們要深深感謝柯郭郡長之支持和許多社區領袖之參與 ,把這座文化座標成為國際區之亮點。
International Pagoda Will Be Built At Arthur Storey Park
The Arthur Storey Park located on Houston’s Beltway 8 in the International District will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for a beautiful new Asian pagoda at 10:00 am this upcoming Saturday. This new addition to the park and the International District will add even more Asian cultural expression to our area.
This pagoda was designed by the famous architect C. C. Lee and funded by the Harris County government. This attractive and distinctive cultural display will feature and highlight the heritage of the many Asian people that live in our community.
Over the past two decades, a group of pioneers have built a prosperous commercial street along Bellaire Blvd. with their own religions and beliefs. They also have built their churches and their temples in our district.
We would especially like to take this opportunity to thank our Commissioner Jack Cagle and many community leaders for their support in making this culturally important Asian pagoda a reality.
We welcome all of you to join us at the groundbreaking ceremony this upcoming Saturday at Arthur Storey Park to celebrate our heritage.