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社評0915 參院外委會審查通過台灣政策法

社評0915  參院外委會審查通過台灣政策法



參院外交委員會週三以十七對五票通過台灣政策法 這是自一九七九年台灣關係法生效以來美國對台政策最全面性之修訂 大幅提高台美關係 顛覆几十年來戰略模糊政策 恐對兩岸關係火上加油

外委會不顧白宮之關切仍然通過了這項法案 其中包括未來四年給予台灣四十五億軍援 並將台灣指定為主要非北約盟國

這個法案將開放美台官員互訪 將台北経濟文化代表處更名為台灣代表處 除了考慮台灣加入美洲開發銀行並考慮將台灣納入印太経濟架構

我們非常憂慮此舉將會澈底導致中美關係之破裂 而加強海峽兩岸之緊張 白宮對此必須審慎面對

Senate Foreign Affairs Committee Passes The Taiwan Policy Act

The Senate Foreign Affairs Committee passed the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022 by a vote of 17-5 despite concerns about the bill from President Joe Biden and anger about the measure from Beijing.

The bill would authorize $4.5 billion in funding to Taiwan through 2026, designate the island nation as a “major Non-NATO ally” and impose other measures to counter China’s “aggressive influence campaigns’ and support its participation in international organization.The bill will also open the official exchange between the U.S. and Taiwan and change the name of the Taipei Economic and Culture Office to Taiwan Representative Office.

Senator Jim Risch said, “If we want to ensure Taiwan has a fighting chance, we must act now. Any change in the status quo for Taiwan would have disastrous effects for the U.S. economy and national security.”

We are very worried that this bill will lead to the breakdown of Sino-U.S. relations and the tensions on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. We urge President Biden to handle this situation very cautiously.