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社評 1001 我們歡迎休斯敦紀事報新女發行人

社評 1001 我們歡迎休斯敦紀事報新女發行人


赫斯特報業媒體集團所屬之休斯敦紀事報週四晚間邀集了各界名人殷商以盛大酒會歡迎新到任的總裁及發行人梅爾女士 對她而言這是一項重大之挑戰和事業之高峯

梅爾總裁已経是媒體界之老將 數十年來她曾經在赫斯特集團下征戰各大城市 上任是在邁阿密 她走過之各大城市几乎是少數族裔佔大多數 因此也形成她對社區之特別關懷 今年八月曾率高管參加了美南電視台環球劇場之開冪儀式 特別希望加強和社區之互動

我們和休斯敦紀事報之交往己経近三十年 早年之發行人詹森先生曾參加了我們十週年社慶 好友藍達索早年曾任總經理及舊金山紀事報發行人 目前擔任休斯敦大學商學院教授 他曾終身奉獻新聞事業

還有前任總裁史威尼目前還擔任主席職 繼續為集團貢獻

今晚也碰見了萊斯大學新任校長狄羅徹博士 他是來自海地移民家庭 如今能成為世界知名大學之領導 真是令人敬佩的美國夢

Welcome Houston Chronicle New Publisher Nancy Meyer

The Houston Chronicle, a subsidiary of Heart Media Group, invited community leaders from all walks of life to welcome their new publisher and president, Nancy Meyer.

Publisher Meyer has been a veteran of the media industry. She has worked in many major cities for the Heart Group for many decades. Just a few months ago she visited our office to participate in the grand opening of our STV International Studio. She hopes to strengthen the relationship with the local Asian community. 

Our relationship with the Chronicle dates back to over 30 years ago. Mr. Johnson, the publisher, participated in our ten-year anniversary celebration. Our dear friend, Mr. Gary Randazzo, was a senior VP at the Chronicle and later served as publisher of the San Francisco Chronicle. He currently is teaching at the University of Houston. Until today, Mr. Jack Sweeney still serves as chairman and continues to serve the newspaper.

Tonight, we also met Dr. Reginald DesRoches, the incoming president of Rice University. He comes from an immigrant family from Haiti. It is an admirable American dream to become the president of a world-renowned university.