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社評 1007 油價將再飈升

社評 1007   油價將再飈升




當通貨膨脹及物價高漲使得一般大眾再度遭受油價上升真是雪上加霜 大家之購買力因而下降

白宮方面表示石油組織之減產是不必要的拜登總統可能會釋放更多的儲備石油來平衡石油組織之減產 也要改善選民在期中選舉之態度

目前休斯敦地區油價是每加崙二點九四美元 全美油價是三點七八美元 由于各國之減產 油價勢必會上漲

縦觀世界局勢 俄烏戰況目前仍無終結 歐洲各國將深受天然氣短缺之苦 而且中美關係繼續惡化 全球化地球村恐已成為歷史之名詞 我們十分憂心 如果情勢繼續下去 世界將永無安寧之日

OPEC Reduces Oil Production

After OPEC reduced oil production by two million barrels a day, it could mean bigger profits for oil companies, higher gasoline prices and big headaches for the Democrats in the upcoming midterm election.

We are already concerned about rising prices and inflation. Consumers will lose buying power as higher prices erode their income.

When facing the election, the Democrats risk losing control of Congress. Even though President Biden made a trip to Saudi Arabia in July, it had little effect on persuading OPEC to continue to produce more oil.

The White House will consult with the Congress on additional tools for reducing OPEC’s control over energy prices.

In the meantime, President Biden will order the release of more national strategic petroleum reserves in coordination with allies around the world.

Today the war is still going on in Ukraine and there are many problems in the Asia Pacific region. Unless we can solve the problems in the near future, the price of oil will not come down again very soon.