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社評 1008 休斯敦國際區的後花園小農塲

社評 1008  休斯敦國際區的後花園小農塲


昨天午後陽光普照大地 ,彩云朶朶 ,我再次來到國際區後花園之小農場 看到百花齊放 绿葉疏菜遍地 心中有說不出之喜悅 我們在這片曾是荒蕪一片的土地上 使它變為綠洲

已經是二十年前的艱難日子了 位於休斯敦西南區八號公路至西的六號州公路 許多早期之各國移民拓荒者多半是來自亞洲的新移民 赤手空拳沿著百利大道開拓了各型中小商業 多家華亞裔銀行大力支持诸多企業包括餐飲 地產 醫療 加油汽車修護 開始如雨後春筍一般 建築成一道商業大道

國際區在十多位理事之努力下 是美化環境加強治安 促進商業繁榮 近十年來我們更在從學區租用之十畝土地上開拓了菜園及花卉種植區 規劃許多小區几乎免費大家種植

今天我在百花盛開及硕果累累的公園中 聞到了花果香味 感到無限的滿足和欣喜 假如我們能為社區貢獻一己之力 幫助贫苦大眾解除少許之疾苦 也算是我們共同努力之成果了

Back To The Houston International Garden

Yesterday afternoon I came back to the International Garden in our District. With the beautiful sky and sunshine overhead, we saw hundreds of flowers blooming and a large spread of vegetables growing all over the ground. There was an indescribable joy in my heart. We have turned this place into an oasis in this once desolate land.

It has been a difficult time over the past several years since a group of pioneers moved  into the southwest part of the city. It’s an area now open to all kinds of businesses with people working with their bare hands, including restaurants, shopping centers, supermarkets, car repair shops and medical clinics. Because of their hard work, we were able to build this area into today’s thriving International District.

After we formed the International Management District, our goal was to beautify the area, improve safety and promote the businesses. Many years ago, we used ten acres of land donated by the Alief School District to create an international garden to let our residents create a garden of vegetables and flowers.

Today we walked through the garden. We smelled the wonderful fragrances of the flowers and the vegetables. I feel so very happy and satisfied that the garden will be highly regarded as the result of our joint effort and our joint success.