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社評 1022 休斯敦聯合國協會年會晚宴

社評 1022 休斯敦聯合國協會年會晚宴


每年一度的休斯敦聯合國協會年會晚宴昨晚舉辦了一次盛会, 萊斯大學貝克中心主任森德菲大使, 國務院主管國際組織事務之助理,國務卿西陝大使做為主要貴賓 ,在會上闡述了目前世界局勢和美國當前面對之問題。

聯合國協會會長史塔克在歡迎式中表示,對這個成立己経有七十七年的國際組織仍然寄以希望, 並將今年的年會主旨定在對和平之希望 ,透過教育及反飢餓來拯救世界之貧困人口。

曾擔任過十多個國家大使職務之西陜大使是菲律賓裔美人, 在他服務公職四十年中, 她曾代表美國走遍了世界 ,她也鼓勵年輕人能獻身外交工作。

聯合國協年之會址几年來都設在國際貿易中,我忝為理事也希望盡份簿 力, 共同努力來促進世界和平。

今晚我也邀請華裔領䄂及好友出席, 出席人數近四百人, 大家在疫情過後能共聚一堂, 賓主盡歡。

    Celebrating 2022 United Nations Day


The United Nations Association of Houston hosted a dinner party at the Junior League of Houston on Thursday night. Ambassador David Satterfield of Rice University Baker Institute and Ambassador Michele Sison were among the speakers. They elaborated on the current world situation and the problems facing our nation,


President of UNA Danial Stoecker thanked all the guests joining the annual UN day celebration, a commemoration of the 77th anniversary of the United Nations and an expression of our hopes for a better future for all of Earth’s citizens as expressed in the founding charter of the United Nations.


In her speech Ambassador Michele Sison, who is in charge of the U.S. State Department’s international organization affairs, wanted to encourage the young generation to plan for foreign service.


The UNA Houston office has been located at the International Trade Center for many years. I also serve as a board member and try my best to serve the association.


Today the world has many troubles. We all hope that the UN can be a part of the solution to promote peace.