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社評 1028 赫里斯郡書記參選人來訪

社評 1028 赫里斯郡書記參選人來訪


代表共和角遂赫里斯郡書記之克里斯丹牛今晨到達美南電視台訪問 我們有了一次深入交流之機會

四年前 這位曾任書記之共和黨候選人是捲土重來 希望再次奪回寶座

書記一職是非常重要之職位 他們負責郡內所有文件之管理並負責在七十四個法庭選出陪審員選拔 而且為民眾辦理各種登記手續

丹牛在我們之訪談中他一再讃譽移民社區對國家社會之貢獻 他希望當選後將加強多種語言之宣導 為赫里斯郡許多新移民提供服務

今晨我帶領丹牛參觀了新設的美南環球劇場 美南印刷廠及新媒體中心

這是美國全国及地方選舉之熱季節 我們華亞裔選民已経成為關鍵少數票 就在這二個月 我們己經接待了許多到訪之政客候選人

選票和鈔票是我們參政之兩大力量 我們今天見證了政治之現實和參政取得話語權之重要性 大家共同來努力吧

Chris Daniel Is Running For Harris County Clerk

Chris Daniel came to our TV station to visit with us. We had an opportunity to interview him about his vision and plans for Harris County.

The County Clerk is the record keeper for the Harris County courts, handles funds related to cases and coordinates the juries. The panel selection process assists customers with criminal, civil and family matters, including receiving and processing customers’ requests, purchasing copies, reports and filing documents.

After four years, Daniel wanted to come back and run for County Clerk again hoping to regain this important position.

Daniel has expressed his high appreciation for the Asian and international communities for their great contribution to the local economy. He has also promised to strengthen the multilingual services for the new immigrants coming into Harris County. Actually, our votes have now become one of the most important decision-making factors in the election now.

Daniel toured our TV studio and printing shop and saw that our local media efforts are serving the community in more than twenty languages.

We are urging all of the Asian American voters to go out and vote and select the best candidates to serve our county.