社評 1029 馬斯克成媒體大亨

當前大家最關心的是 推特是否會灰復前總統川普之賬號 ,他是在去年元月六日國會山莊暴亂事件後被推特閉了賬號。
在給一億二千個客戶之公開信中, 馬斯克希望建造一個大家共同之數位媒體辯論廣塲,他認為,目前對激右或激左之情勢對我們社區是非常不利的。
我們樂見馬斯克之遠見, 但是這些客戶之言論將是難予撐控 ,我們可以確定的是, 金錢能使鬼推磨 ,我們祝福馬克斯為大家帶來和平而不是更多的紛爭。
Another Media Giant Elon Musk
With a 44-billion-dollar acquisition, the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, made himself the owner of the social media giant Twitter.
Musk later tweeted saying, “the bird is freed.” Right after his takeover, he fired CEO Parag Agrawal and CFO Ned Segal. He entered Twitter’s headquarter in San Francisco with a household sink in his hands and shared a caption that read, “Entering Twitter HQ…let that sink in.”
Musk said the reason he bought Twitter was, “because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner without resorting to violence.”
Twitter may let former president Trump come back to use the platform. Trump was a frequent user of Twitter, but was booted off the service two days following the January 6, 2021, siege of the Capitol, “due to the risk of further incitement of violence.”
In an opening statement, Musk said that he, “hopes to build a common digital media town square where a wide range of beliefs can be debated.”
We all wish much good luck to this new media giant. This development also proves that, “money can buy anything.”