社評 1107 太空隊封王大遊行

追尋了二十九年之教練生涯 ,今年七十三歲的太空人教練貝克終於在週六一戰中再次登上王座, 並洗刷了太空人隊偷暗號醜聞不光彩之過去一頁。
貝克在六日晚間一役獲勝封王之後, 難掩開心奮興奮之情, 這是他二十九年來追尋之夢想。
此時休斯敦的大街小巷充滿歡呼之聲 ,特納市長宣佈今天週一在市中心為太空人之勝利舉行大遊行。
我們在此也要為太空人封王表示由衷之祝賀, 棒球可稱為美國之國球 ,無論大小城鎮和市區, 皆遍布棒球塲 ,對於許多家長而言青少年之棒球更是體育中最主要之選項之一。
棒球這項全民運動之體育活動 ,我們看到許多家庭扶老攜幼穿上球衣之熱情,也為我們社區帶來許多溫暖和幸福。
Houston Astros’ World Series Parade
Pursuing his 29-year coaching career to a new height, Dusty Baker finally climbed on the throne again on Saturday and washed away a disgraceful past page of the Astros stealing the code scandal.
On Saturday night the Astros defeated the Phillies 4-1 with a three-point run with Alvarez’s leading score to win the World Series with a convincing performance of four wins and two losses.
At the time when the City of Houston’s streets and alleys are full of cheers, Mayor Turner announced the big parade today in downtown Houston.
Here we would also like to express our heartfelt congratulations to the Houston Astros, World Champions of Baseball, the national sport of our nation. Regardless of the city, town or urban area, we always have many baseball fields for all the parents to spend time watching their kids out playing the national pastime in the field.
Like Coach Baker, it is very difficult for him, as well as for us, to hide the excitement when the dream finally does come true.
We also saw a lot of flashy Astros jerseys on a lot of fans which also brings a lot of warmth, happiness and togetherness to our community.