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社評1112感激不盡 真情流露 友人相伴

社評1112感激不盡 真情流露 友人相伴


感激不盡 真情流露 友人相

美南國際貿易中心二十週年慶 我們的中外國際友人共聚一堂 友人們情義相挺, 鼔勵嘉勉, 實為畢生之榮幸。

美南新聞創刊迄今數十年頭, 過來的歲月 從不敢鬆懈, 每當回憶童年時之颠簸日子, 父母在戰亂中扶養六個孩童長大 始終在為家庭之生存而奮鬥, 我們無時無刻鉻記心坎, 只有刻苦向前, 別無選擇。


今晨翻開了陳舊之日誌 往事歷歷在目, 多少往日之工作伙伴獻出了他們的青春, 日夜不停的機器響聲 電視幕上感人之畫面, 油墨未乾的報紙 美南廣場上的政治群眾大會, 農曆新年游園會上一張張可愛的孩童面孔, 耆老中心長輩們之笑聲, 深烙在我們心坎中。


數十年緊湊日子, 今晚在台上看到許多老友和伙伴 心中激起甜美又複雜之情杼, 只有感恩再感恩

We Are So Grateful That ITC Is Becoming Stronger

More than 600 of our friends got together and attended the 20th anniversary of our International Trade Center, including former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao.

Forty-five years ago we came to Texas and went to Beaumont, Texas, and attended Lamer University. After we got our masters degree, for our first stop we came to Houston. Since 1979 we have published the first Chinese newspaper in the area and we really have adopted Houston as our home.

Today as we celebrate the ITC birthday, time really just flies. We can’t imagine how much the community has changed into a multi-cultural city, and we still have many people continuing to move here.

We are so glad that so many old friends have continued to help us serve the community.

We are so grateful that most of our friends can now get together tonight since it has not been possible because of the pandemic over the last couple of years.

The International Trade Center will continue to expand our services to local businesses to connect to the world.