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社評1118 共和黨將撐美國眾議院

社評1118  共和黨將撐美國眾議院



雖然只有些微之多數, 共和黨已成為眾議院多數黨並將在明年元月接議長職權 也將主導將來之議程 他們的優先事務是展開對拜登總統之調查

在共和黨的優先議程中 還將更換各委員會主席 針對阿富汗撤軍 邊境移民問題 新冠疫情源頭 拜登兒子罕特及疫情關閉學校等問題進行調查

即將出任議長的麥卡錫是名反華大將 他長期主張在國會成立調查中國委員會 步在反中之行動中加強力道

在支持烏克蘭之問題上 新的議長主張美國將無法開出空白支票 必須看實情而定

非常遺憾 今後由於共和黨之握有眾院多數 將使拜登面對更大之挑戰 許多法案將無法通過 將形成兩黨在政治上之分裂

Republicans Win The House Majority 

Even with a small margin, the Republicans will take over the House of Representatives in January.

The Republicans plan to initiate an investigation into the Biden administration as a top priority, including the chaotic pullout from the Afghanistan border issue, the origins of Covid-19, the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago and business dealings involving President Biden’s son Hunter.

A longtime priority of the new Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is to establish a select committee on China. The president can exercise veto power over any legislation, but the House of Representatives will still be able to use some messaging bills that highlight their agenda. McCarthy also left the door open on the issue of the impeachment of President Biden.

On the issue of Ukraine, the new speaker said that, “We won’t give them a blank check.”

President Biden will face many more challenges in the future. Many bills in Congress may not pass as both parties will be carrying their own agendas, which will not help our national interests.