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社評 1205 我們站在歷史的轉捩點

社評 1205 我們站在歷史的轉捩點



就在上星期一 我們有幸邀請了旅居在美國的兩岸華人社區領袖 非常成功的舉辦了一塲有關台湾選舉後的中美台關係 在座的都是早年來美留學後非常有成就的教授 醫學家 實業家 律師 民意代表 我們在這次座談會上 大家都知無不言 言無不盡地交換心得 我相信這也是我們在美國第一次開啟兩岸精英討論兩岸未來關係之先河


第一是我們決不可以武力手段解快台灣問題 並盼望未來包括國民黨藍營在內再度在二O二四年取回政權時會立即改善和中國大陸之惡劣關係 也期盼大陸方面釋出善意 在摒棄台獨之不切實際情況下海峽兩岸應簽下和平協議 使得兩岸人民和平共處

第二我們將積極和美國政府和國會表達我們對台海情勢之嚴重關切 希望居住在全美各地的華人選民向你們在地選出的國會議員加強溝通 做為選民 我們的意見一定會被接納 同時我們已經計劃邀請美國政要定期共同舉辦研討會 引導主流對兩岸關係正確之認識

今天美國仍然是世界第一强國 她也是我們安身立命之土地 我們深深感謝這塊土地給予的機會 我們也奉獻了自己的青春歲月 但是我們的家鄉和故土是我們的根 就如前交通部長趙小蘭一再表示 我們永遠以華裔美人為榮

各位全球華人同胞們 今天我們已經打開了海峽兩岸在美國共同尋求兩岸和平共處方案之先河 希望烏克蘭悲劇不會在台灣上演

國父孫中山早年在美國檀香山之革命事業 黃花崗七十二烈士多半是來自海外之華僑 今天我們真正是走在歷史之轉捩點 希望向華盛頓 北京和台北傳達我們的建議更希望大家共同努力 謝謝大家

We Are Standing At A Turning Point In History

Tonight we are here from Houston, Texas, to say congratulations on the zoom meeting of the Chinese from both the United States and Taiwan. The topic tonight is the future relations between the United States, China and Taiwan after the Taiwan local election.

Professors from Taiwan joined the meeting to express their concerns on the Taiwan Strait. We all agreed that we must not solve the Taiwan issue by force and hope that in the 2024 presidential election, if the KMT blue camp can regain power, it will immediately improve the bad relationship with mainland China. Both sides should sign a peaceful agreement to coexist peacefully.

Also, as Chinese -American citizens we will actively express our serious concern about the Taiwan issue to our elected officials and educate the public on where we should stand on the issue.

Today we are still the most powerful country in the world. We have a responsibility to seek peace and not allow the Ukraine tragedy to happen again.

More than one hundred years ago, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China was part of the revolution cause in Honolulu in the United States. Most of the revolution fighters were overseas Chinese.

Today we as Chinese –Americans are standing at a turning point of history. We want to convey the message to Washington, Beijing and Taipei that we just don’t want the tragedy of Ukraine to be repeated.