社評 1206 秋意雜感

後院長廊上今午舖滿了七彩的落葉 ,美南地區的晚秋真的來了 ,唐代詩人劉禹錫曾為秋寫下如此感受:
自古逢秋悲寂寥 我言秋日勝春朝
晴空一鶴排云上 便引詩情到碧霄
三年了 ,疫情和烏克蘭戰爭改變了我們的世界, 也改變了我們的人生觀, 究竟世界之未來是否會毀於一旦或是和平共處, 在於少數當政者一念之差,
我們回到現實社會, 面對許多人之困苦掙扎和富人之酒醉金迷 ,這世界似乎充滿了不公不義, 貧富不均,但是不要忘記多半的有錢人也是奮鬥而來 ,當你們正在大清早沉睡時他們已經在疾力工作之中。
最近我們看到華人社會組成了選舉委員會, 是我們在參政路上有了覺醒, 這是多麼令人振奮的大事 ,今天我們在這塊土地上,我們就是主人 我們奉獻了大家的智慧和青春, 我們缴納了巨額之稅收, 我要大聲吶喊, 沒有任何人可以歧視我們。
我說秋色代表情操清白志向高尚, 更表現了奮發進取之豪情, 凌云的鶴永遠載著我們的希望和夢想。
Autumn Mixed Feelings
The corridor of our house’s backyard is full of colorful fallen leaves this afternoon. The late autumn is really coming.
Poet Liu Yuxi in the Tang Dynasty once wrote about his feelings of autumn: “Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely. I say that autumn is better than the spring dynasty. Arcane rows of clouds fill the clear sky, which leads to poetry in the blue sky.”
Exactly three years ago, the epidemic and the war in Ukraine have changed our world and the outlook of our lives. Whether the future of the world will be ruined at once or there will be peaceful coexistence depends on the differences between a few world politicians.
We return to the real world where many people face hardships and many riches are in drunkenness. The world seems to be full of injustice, but don’t forget that the rich are also struggling. When you are sleeping in the early morning, they are already working hard.
Recently, we have seen that the Chinese-Asian community is forming a voters league to be an active part of our political system. We are awakening into politics.
We all are looking for a brighter future for our hopes and dreams.