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社評 1210 李柯克的微笑

社評 1210 李柯克的微笑


李柯克老先生今年九十六歲 ,他是美國光纖網路之創始人, 早年曾經參加美國曼哈頓計劃 ,七十年前成立了首家獨資之電訊公司, 並且獲得聯邦政府之執照 一直経營至今 。

我和李柯克先生特別投緣, 十多年前因為電視台發射問題找到他, 並且把美南電視台節目也加入在他們公司旗下 ,凡是該公司訂戶皆可觀看我們二十四小時節目 。

因為他的名叫李,与我同姓, 因此他常稱我們是親人並稱呼為表兄弟, 我們常常在週二中午到澳洲牛排館午餐 ,每次都點烤紅薯、 三文魚 、沙拉 、午餐時談及他過去之「輝煌」, 他告訴我他的養生之道是每天喝三杯蜂蜜加蘋果醋, 但只吃一頓正餐 。一直到現在, 他経營之電訊公司在大休斯敦地區埋有數百萬哩的光纖, 價值數十億美元, 但他不欠銀行一毛錢, 許多公司希望以高價購買, 但是七十年來他不為所動 ,他常拍拍胸脯對我說 ,“這家公司是我百分之百擁有。 ”他真是美國企業界之異數 ,換了其他人早被收購 ,數億元進袋了。

My Cousin Lee Cook


Lee Cook is 96 years old. He is the founder of the Phonoscope optical fiber network in the United States. In his early years, he participated in the Manhattan Project. Later, he founded the first telecommunications company 70 years ago and obtained a license from the federal government. He has been doing business ever since up until the present day.


I met Lee Cook more than ten years ago because our TV station was having some issues. Later, our STV programs were added on to his network and all subscribers can now watch our programs 7/24.


Because his first name is Lee and my last is Lee, he often calls me “Cousin Lee.” Sometimes we go to lunch at the Outback Steakhouse. Every time he always orders salmon salad and sweet potatoes. At lunch time, he talks about his past “brilliance.” He said to maintain good health, you have to drink three cups of honey and apple cider vinegar every day.


Up until today, his company doesn’t owe any money to the bank. Many companies have wanted to buy him out, but Lee Cook refused to sale.


Just one month ago, we celebrated the 20th year anniversary of the International Trade Center at the Hilton America Hotel. We invited him as a VIP and awarded him for his contribution to society in the ceremony. He proudly took the trophy from Secretary Elaine Chao. He was laughing and had some tears in his eyes. Afterwards, many guests came one after the other to congratulate him, and there were many beautiful women hugging and taking photos with him.


A few days after the event, I received a text message from my old friend that said, “Chairman Lee, I have never seen Mr. Lee Cook so full of joy and so happy as he was that night.” I was so moved and the feeling was from the bottom of his heart.

今年我們慶祝美南國際貿易中心二十週年, 我們請他來做為貴賓並頒發電訊事業特別貢獻獎, 他以近百高齡走上台前, 在趙小蘭部長手中接下了這份奬杯和獎狀 ,我看他笑得非常開心, 眼眶似泛淚光 ,走下台後 ,許多賓客紛紛上前祝賀, 並且有許多美女之擁抱合攝留影, 他笑得很開心。

几天前我接到那天和他同桌的友人來了一段短信並寫到”李主席 ,我似乎從未看過李柯克這些高興過, 當晚他一直笑口長開 ,擁抱美女, 有如返老還童之感,“讀後我也有同感 ,這世界上之真情是發自內心的。