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社評1213 聖歌滿堂迎聖誕

社評1213   聖歌滿堂迎聖誕



週日上午我們參加了休斯敦西區教會的聖誕音樂演唱會,台上數十位教友唱出了優美之聖樂, 傳遞福音, 為世界和平而祈禱。

認識了三十年的徐牧師在台上以鏗鏹有力的音調為烏克蘭之和平而祈福 ,為許多教友們之病患痛苦而解憂 ,真的, 世界上太多不公不義苦難的凡人 ,徐牧師之口才儀表可以成為成功的政治家或企業家, 他確選擇把人生獻給宗教傳達福音, 來幫助更多的人他們渴望尋求精神的慰藉。

記得三十多年前, 在黃繼榮牧師之倡導下, 西區中國教會從墟土中成長, 年輕的徐牧師加入了行列 ,數十個寒暑過去了, 如今教会不斷茁壯 ,教友眾多,已經成為華人社區之精神支柱。

多年來, 美南新聞為了支持教會之活動, 每週六免費提供一大版面作為福音版以供各界人士刊出文章, 數十年來從未中斷, 也算是我們對社會之少許貢獻。

今天世界紛爭不斷, 社會道德沉淪 ,誠然令痛苦不堪 ,所幸我們還有不同宗教力量劝人為善, 否則更是不堪設想。


Christmas Is Coming


On Sunday morning we attended a Christmas concert at the West Houston Chinese Church and enjoyed the beautiful holy music and prayed for world peace.


Pastor Hsu and I have known each other for more than 30 years. On the stage he prayed for peace in Ukraine in a powerful tone and tried to relieve the pain for many people. He has devoted his whole life to helping many people who are eager to seek spiritual comfort.


More than 30 years ago, under the initiative of Pastor Wong, the church later grew up from the ruins. He was joined in the effort by the young Pastor Hsu to continue the expansion to build one of the largest Chinese churches in the city.


For many years, in order to support the church, Southern Chinese Daily donated a full newspaper page in the weekend edition for people of all walks of life to read articles on the Christian page. We are so glad this Christian page is still published every week.


Today there are continuous disputes in the world and the decline of social morality is really painful to see. Fortunately, we still have different religious forces to persuade others to do good. Otherwise, it will surely be even more unimaginable.