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社評1217 感恩惜福 情誼彌堅

社評1217 感恩惜福 情誼彌堅

感恩惜福 情誼彌

每當我抬頭凝視那張初抵美國時在舊金山金門大橋的舊照時 彷佛又回到年青時初抵異域之激情 這股燃燒的心境一直支撐著過去若干年來在人生道路上曾度過之艱苦愉悅起伏激盪之歲月 但是那些曾經在我們生活中幫助過支持過的老友們 這份感恩之心永遠在我的一生中

週末下午 近五十位昔日老友伙伴相聚寒舍 我和妻特別興奮 因為所有邀來的賓客 不但是數十年的舊識 而且每一位都曾經在我們的奮鬥歷程中有許多感人的故事

當年我和妻從德州拉馬大學取得學位後 在一個頃盆大雨的夏天 我們來到休斯敦 登門拜訪了李氏族人大老李宗濂及李政元老 在他們的收容下 我們在李氏文具印刷公司谋得一職 並聯合沈彥偉律師 吳華昌 享利李合辦了一份中英文西南時報 並在沈律師之幫忙下取得了綠卡當年曾経擔任中華公所之僑領黃仕遠 林國煌 僑教中心主任鄭心本 中華總商會會長孫鐵漢都是僑界領袖更是我們在媒體上経常上報的人物 名律師赖清陽及伍冠南關振鵬伉儷為我們僑界排憂解難 更是美南新聞的長年支持者 電視新聞界名人周璇明及敖錦賜経常為我們主持各型慶祝活動 我們政大同學陳紫薇 方麗萍及成彥邦醫生更是我們報上的專欄作家 林國民先生及夫人我們曾経一起訪問台灣參加各項活動 張建義及黃泰生博士都是我們多年來在銀行界之合作伙伴 今天也來了許多李氏兄弟包括華埠市長李雄兄 你們每一位都是我們人生中的貴人 緊緊地牽動了我們的心 我們非常惜福感恩

                        Thank You For Cherishing And Blessing Our Old Friendships

When we look at the old photos we took at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco when I first arrived in America, I seem to return to my young age. We remember many of you who have helped support our lives. Friends, this grateful heart will always be in our lives.

This weekend nearly fifty old friends gathered at our home. My wife and I were so excited because all of the invited guests, not only our old friends, but also each of you, have touched our hearts over the past several years.

Today we have shared with many community leaders including Mr. James Wong, Richard Lin, Harry Sum and former Director of the Overseas Chinese Service Center and Mr. Ben Cheng. They are all longtime supporters of our newspaper.

Shern-Min Chao, our famous TV anchor since 1987, you have been our MC and host at our Lunar New Year Festival for many years. Edmond Gor, you have hosted many events for us.

My classmates, Tammy Chan, Christiana Lee and Dr. Chen, you have written so many articles for our newspaper and we are very grateful.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Lin, remember when we visited Taiwan together and enjoyed the trip with our bank partners. Dr. Sam Hwang, we got together now again with Kenneth Li, Mayor of Chinatown, Lee’s brother, Chris Lee, Dr. Allen Lee, Rogene Gee and Susan Wong.

Being together here with all of you today has deeply touched our hearts. We are very grateful.

In the early 1970’s after my wife Catherine and I got our Master Degrees from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, we came to Houston on a very rainy day. The first thing we did was we went out on the North Freeway and visited Uncle Jimmy Lee, Dr. Allen Lee’s father, and visited Uncle Gene Lee. He is Judy Lee’s father who owned the Lee’s stationary store. With his help we were able to organize a bi-lingual monthly newspaper. Our partner investors included attorney William Sims, David Ng and uncle Henry Lee. Because we had a job as an editor, with Mr. Sims' help, we got our green cards.