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社評1220 川普面臨司法起訴

社評1220  川普面臨司法起訴


調查元月六日美國國會大廈之眾議院委員會今天建議司法部對前總統川普提起刑事指控該委員會一致同意敦促司法部以妨礙公務 煽動叛亂欺詐政府及作偽証等罪名提起訴訟 這也是美國有史以來首次對總統提出訢訟

川普因為質疑2020 年大選結果去年元月六日號召支持者前往華府抗議結果支持者公然攻占國會大廈造成多人死傷

這場史無前例之暴亂無疑是對美國民主政治之極大傷害和諷刺 就連自己總統大選也無法令候選人信服 選民公然挑戰民主程序 川普不願承認敗選

我們相信美國司法部很快將作成決定是否對川普提出起訴 這將導至國內政治之大風暴 也將斷送川普未來之總統之路

美國是民主國家的領䄂 也不斷向其地地區宣揚民主選舉制度 如果本身都無法實施還能推銷給別人嗎

Jan. 6 Committee Refers Trump To DOD On Criminal Charges

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection voted to refer former President Donald Trump to the Department of Justice on four criminal charges.

The final report released on Monday stated, “The evidence has led to an overriding and straightforward conclusion: the central cause of Jan. 6th was one man, former president Donald Trump who many others followed. None of the events of Jan. 6th would have happened without him."

The report summary says that there is evidence to pursue Trump on multiple crimes including obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to make false statements, assisting or aiding an insurrection, conspiring to injure or impede officers and seditious conspiracy.

We believe that the U.S. Department of Justice will soon make a decision on whether to prosecute Trump which will inevitably lead to a major domestic political storm and will effectively cut off Trump’s presidential future.

We are the leader of the world's democratic countries and constantly promote the democratic process and electoral system to the world. Can we still sell our idea to others?