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社評1224 歲末雜感

社評1224 歲末雜感


O二二年即近尾聲 挾著烏克蘭戰爭 通貨膨脹 新冠病毒未消 能源短缺 對全球人類而言 真是充滿苦難之一年

老實說 普京總统不顧國際社會之反對 公然違反了聯合國憲章精神公然入侵烏克蘭 這種令人髪指之野蠻行為造成世界經濟局勢大亂 普京之野心並未得逞 而且暴露了俄羅斯之弱點,即重估世界各國之反應

今天澤倫斯基在美國國會慷慨激昂 極力乞求美國給予支持 並誓言這是在悍衛自由民主而戰 雖然他的要求己経得到回應 但是這大批飛彈及武器將繼續導至戰事之擴大 造成更多傷亡 是禍 是福 戰爭是多麼可怕

近六個月來 美國聯儲之升息 已經是去年之一倍以上 據稱 但許多地產経紀几乎沒有任何交易 但是全國物價個仍然居高不下

美墨邊境之大批難民湧入造成巨大之危機 而且把這些難民送到各大城市 尤其是德州州長艾伯特動用國民兵來防衛邊境如臨大敵

總之 過去一年是非常不平靜而充滿痛苦之一年 我們還是寄望和平早日到來

A Look Back At The Year Of 2022

2022 is coming to an end. The war in Ukraine, inflation and Covid-19 have not yet disappeared and the energy shortage has really meant a year full of suffering for human beings all around the world.

To be honest, despite the opposition of the international community against Putin's open invasion of Ukraine, his action not only violated international law and the UN charter, this barbaric act caused chaos in the world economy. Putin’s ambition did not succeed and has openly exposed his weakness.

Ukraine’s President Zelensky was passionate in his speech to the U.S. Congress and he asked for the full support of the United States and vowed that it is a war to defend freedom and democracy. A large number of missiles and other weapons will be sent to Ukraine and will cause ever more casualties. It is a real disaster how terrible war is.

In the past six months, the interest rate has been increased again and caused many real estate transactions to be affected.

The influx of a large number of refugees on the Mexican border has continued, even though we have sent in the National Guard to block the people crossing the river into the U.S.

It was a very painful year. We still hope that peace will come as soon as possible.