社評1231 歲末靜思

隨著今年最後一頁日曆翻過去,我們迎接2023 新年之到來,人生有如一列遠去的火車只能向前行走, 日子是塲有去無返的行程, 淚水和汗水交織的歲月, 有歡笑有悲傷。
去年在我們周圍發生了戰亂 ,銀行急速升息, 物價飛漲 ,疫情難當 ,全球仍然充斥災難和疾苦 ,梅西為阿根廷抱回了世足賽大金球 ,但是仍然無助於生活和掙扎在貧窮缐下的同胞 ,特斯拉老闆馬斯克高調想變成媒體大亨確摔了大跟斗,川普可能之各種官司可以會打破了他的總統夢, 台灣塲縣市長大選藍營再次獲得選民之靑睞 ,中國大陸疫情全面開放將掀起經濟及觀光之熱潮, 我們寄望歷史關上了不幸之一頁, 不要再聽到人們之吶喊。
我要感恩再感恩, 能夠和相識相交的老友們敘舊談些昔日往事是件令人感動难忘的快事 ,美南國際貿易中心迎來二十歲生日, 前交通部長趙小蘭 國會議員市長多國駐休斯敦總領事外交官、 工商學界人士五百多嘉賓出席年會, 實是我們畢生之光榮。
新的一年又將開始, 我們有更多更新的計劃正在等待進行, 做為一個媒體人 ,我們永遠站在時間的前沿, 永遠為大家服務是我們的社會責任。
Thoughts Of The Past Year
As the last page of this year’s calendar passes, we welcome the arrival of the new year of 2023. In life, I’m like a train that can only walk forward. The days have ended and there were many journeys. Tears and sweat are intertwined. There is laughter, but also sadness.
Last year there was a war around us, banks raised their interest rates, prices soared, the epidemic was still full of disaster and suffering. Messi took back the world’s soccer championship for Argentina, but he still did not help his compatriots who live and struggle every day under poverty. Donald Trump’s legal issues may break his great ambitions again. Tesla’s boss Musk wanted to become a media tycoon, and he now is in a very challenging position.
Personally, we are very grateful to have met so many of our old friends in our house and we were happy to celebrate the 20th birthday of the International Trade Center.
We media persons always stand at the forefront –lined up to serve everyone forever