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社評0104 民進黨政府要給大家發紅包

社評0104 民進黨政府要給大家發紅包


台灣政府在週二之院會中決定在今年稅收超徵四千五百億中將部分發給大家現金 達到還稅於民 再次感謝全體國民之努力

據報導 政府己經開始盤點所需経費必須扣除預備金額度才能開始編列預算 必須経立法院通過法律程序,, 至少要一個月左右 到春節後才能領到 如果以一千八百億計算每人至少可分到六千台幣約美金二百元

民進黨在台灣九和一大選敗陣下來之後正在重整隊伍在明年2024 進行總統大選保衛戰 這次大選如果失利 ,,必然會使該黨遭到重大挫敗 後果不堪設想

為了討好選民 民進黨以發紅包方式來挽救選民之好感和支持 也是項不錯之方法

台灣目前正在處於中美兩大國之爭奪地帶 處境十分艱難 加上島內政爭紛亂 在野之藍營正在竭盡全力來重撐政權 而且看來下屆選舉勝算甚高

我們樂見大家能拿到現金 過上一個愉悅的春節

                                Taiwan Government To Give Away Cash

The government of Taiwan decided to give back the tax money to its citizens this year. The amount represents about 5000NT dollars or about 200. U.S. dollars. 

It is reported that the cash distribution will require the approval of the Legislative Yuan which will take about a month. The people of Taiwan will get the cash after the Lunar New Year.

After the ruling Democratic Progressive Party lost one of the major elections last November, they are being reorganized to defend their presidential power in 2024 and it looks like the opposition party might win the next election. If they are defeated, the party will inevitably suffer a major setback. The consequences are unimaginable, including a government shutdown and one of the TV stations which has never happened before.

Coupled with the internal political disputes, Taiwan is currently the hottest spot in Asia. The opposition party is doing its best to regain the power.

Handing out the cash is one of the ways to buy the votes.