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社評0105 眾議院議長難產

社評0105  眾議院議長難產


經過六輪之投票 共和黨眾議員麥卡錫仍然無法獲得218  在議長選出之前 眾院無法推動院務 這也是百年來所罕見

在最後一次之投票中 有二十名保守眾議員投票給唐納茲 麥卡錫只拿到201  而民主黨非裔領䄂傑福瑞拿下212 名全部民主黨人之選票

拜登總統稍後表示 這次僵局人尷尬他擔心會破了眾議院之運作根據最新消息 前總統川普在幕後企圖說服保守派議員給予麥卡錫支持 但也未見成效


明年之大選戰已經在開始了 拜登必須在其施政滿意度中給予選民 其中最重大的包括改善人民之荷包及處理俄烏戰爭 否則他想競選連任是非常困難之事


                                      We Don’t Have A Speaker Of The House

For the first time in a century during the election for the Speaker of the House, the tally failed to reach 218 votes, even though the House of Representatives has now changed hands to the Republican Party.

Kevin McCarthy, the leader of the Republicans, suffered a setback in the first round of the election on Wednesday receiving just 203 votes. House Minority leader Hakeem Jeffries received 212 votes. Although the Republicans hold the majority of 222 seats in the House, McCarthy is not fully supported by Republican conservatives and lacks key Trump supporters.

President Biden later said that the deadlock was an embarrassment. He was worried for the operation of the House of Representatives to fully begin their work.

The situation not only explains the major contradiction within the Republican Party, but also shows the difficulties faced by the current administration in overall governance in the future.

The 2024 presidential election is right around the corner. Here again, President Biden must show how he can improve the economy and handle the war in Ukraine. Otherwise, it will be very hard for him to run again.