美國新冠疫情日誌4/28/2020 德州解封 天佑蒼生
德州解封 天佑蒼生
依照州長之指示,上週末開始州立公園重新開放,零售店可以提供路邊取貨服務,在新的行政命令中,從五月一月開始,餐館食堂、電影院、零售商 、博物館等行業也可以重新開放, 但規定要求顾客量不可超過原來的四分之一,户外活動參與者不得超過四人。
州長同時宣布,從五月十八日預計將開放理髮店、美甲沙龍 、健身房,但使用人數或顧客仍然維持在百分之五十以下。
德州、喬治亞州等十九個州皆同時宣布了這項解封措施,由於新冠病毒之肆虐,美國全國失業率本週已經高達百分之十六,這一 失業率數據已經快要接近大蕭條时期的水平,是美國经济有史以來最大的負面衝擊。
2020年4月28日 書於 德州休斯敦 隴勤白莊
Pray For The Common People
Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an essential services only order until April 30 for the state. Schools will remain closed until May 4. That will allow the state’s stay-at-home order to end this Thursday and the state will open for business on Friday. The order will allow retail stores, malls, restaurants and movie theaters to reopen on Friday, but with limited occupancy to 25%. The Governor also noted that barbershops, nail salon, bars and gyms expect to be opened no later than the middle of May.
More than 19 states have also announced the same kind of open for business orders. According to the U.S. Labor Department, the nation’s unemployment rate has already reached 16%, almost reaching the level at the time of the Great Depression. This is the worst economic impact on the country in America history.
Many business owners are so excited and fully support and welcome Governor Abbott’s action to open up the state for business. In the meantime, the Coronavirus is still attacking our nation. We still all need to work together to defeat this invisible enemy.
Let us pray for the world and the common people.
April 28 2020, At Lee’s House, Houston Texas