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社評0107 股市大漲 就業強勁

社評0107  股市大漲 就業強勁

股市大漲 就業強

週五華爾街道瓊股市上漲了七百點 並顕示工資增漲緩慢 對中央銀行而言 減輕了升息之壓力 因而使得投資人信心增強

勞工部週五公佈之數據顯示 十二月份全國增加了二十二萬三千個工作機會 而且工資上漲率只有百分之零點三

有些投資人認為 美國經濟正在朝向軟著陸 中央銀行升息之動作似乎已經見效


由於銀行利率之上升 較去年增加近一倍之多 高利率嚴重影響房地產之交易 也導致其他行業之蕭條及物價之上升

壓抑通貨膨脹是首要任務 但是過度升息又導致経濟衰退 如何拿捏是真正的問題所在

                                             Dow Jones Stocks Rally

The Dow Jones average rallied about 700 points on Friday. The data showed a slowdown in wage growth for the Federal Reserve to ease pressure for any further rate increase.

The Dow rose 700.53 points, or 2.1%, while the broad-based S&P 500 gained 2.3%.

The data released from the Labor Department showed that 223,000 jobs were added nationwide in December and the wage increase rate was only 0.3%.

Some investors believe that our economy is moving forward for a soft landing, while the Federal Reserve Bank’s interest hike seems to have been effective.

Economists are paying attention to major companies' financial reports this month, including profit and income and labor salaries.

Due to the double increase in the interest rate that had a serious effect on the real estate market, suppressing inflation is still the first task. But excessive interest rate hikes lead to economic recession. How to hold it off is the real problem.