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社評0121 我們給長輩們送上紅包

社評0121 我們給長輩們送上紅包


為了迎接兔年之來臨我們今天走訪了休斯敦地區之华人長輩們的服務中心同時送上紅包向她們拜年 已整整三年了 因疫情侵襲 我們都沒有踵門拜訪這些華人長輩同胞們了

當我們走進大堂時 看見他們在打麻將 玩游戲 學畫 下象棋 看電視 並且桌上陳列著丰盛之午餐 他們的臉上都露出了笑容

這些長輩們多年來都是愛護我們美南日報之忠實讀者和美南電視之觀眾 過去多少年來 我們一定不忘記來向他們拜年

他們多半是來自台灣和大陸的長輩 許多都是當年為國家和社會做過貢獻的精英 如今在此退休也和子女们同享天倫之樂

今天又是大年三十除夕 我們將迎來新的一年 在此祝願大家以健康第一 保護自己之身體 開劊幸福快樂之日子

我們也希望戰爭早日結束 物價得予控制 経濟早日改善 世界和平之到來

                   We Handed Out Red Envelopes To The Elders

In order to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Rabbit, we visited many senior centers today and gave them red envelopes to express our respect for those elders. Due to the epidemic, we were not able to visit them over the last three years.

When we walked into the lobby, we saw them playing mahjong and other games, learning how to draw, playing chess and watching TV. They were all smiling and feeling very happy. These elders are our loyal readers of our newspaper and viewers of STV. For many years when the springtime comes, we always visit them and say hello.

Most of them are from Taiwan and Mainland China. They were once the elites who have made contributions to their county and society. Now they are retired here and spending their golden years.

Today is New Year's eve. We hope the war will be over soon and world peace will arrive.