社評0125 我們對重大谋殺案之省思

就在蒙特利公園市舞蹈中心被陳姓男子開槍射殺十一條人命之後的四十小時 ,在舊金山灣區半月灣地區又有一名六十七歲的趙姓男子打死了七名同事, 我們非常不瞭解為何這兩名兇手都是對自己華人同胞下手。
加州州長纽森剛到小台北, 又聞另个重大兇殺案, 據統計開年以己経有三十六起重大案件 ,而且多半是刺殺無辜, 受害者基本上和兇手絕沒有深仇大恨, 何必出此毒手?
近年來 ,華人移民大增 ,而且素質也參差不齊 ,許多都從事農業或種植大麻 ,這些特殊行業是造成關係複雜之原因。
我們在此要大力呼籲全美各地之華人社會, 必須正視目前所遭遇之嚴重社會問題, 必須透過社團教會同鄉會來進行討論和溝通 ,發現問題給予心理輔導。
這項危機已經嚴重影響華裔在美國社會之名聲 ,我們必須大家共同來參與和解決這些令人髪指之犯罪行為。
Our Reflections On Major Murder Cases
Just within 40 hours after 11 people were shot and killed by a man named Tran in Monterey Park, California, another 67-year-old named Zhao killed seven of his colleagues in Half Moon Bay in the San Francisco Bay area. We don’t really understand why the Chinese Americans attacked their own compatriots.
California Governor Gavin Newsom had just arrived in Monterey Park when he heard about the other major murders in Half Moon Bay.
The governor commented to reporters, "Tragedy upon tragedy."
In recent times, we have had many Chinese who have immigrated to the United States. Many of them are engaged in agriculture, marijuana cultivation and other special businesses. Many people commit crimes because it is easy to get the guns.
We would like to strongly appeal to the Chinese Asian community to face this serious social problem. We must discuss and communicate through the churches and social service centers and give the people psychological consulting as well as our full support.
This crisis has seriously affected the reputation of our community. We must all participate in and solve these offensive and tragic crimes together.