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社評0201 被警察打死的尼可斯今天下葬

社評0201 被警察打死的尼可斯今天下葬



元月七日被曼菲斯五名黑人警察察活活打死的黑人青年尼可斯今天在曼菲斯舉行下葬儀式 副總統賀錦麗將代表白宮參加葬禮 她表示極度哀悼並希望繼續支持家人們度過悲慘之時光

拜登總統上週五在看完警方毒打尼可斯之録影帶之後已經立即和他的家人通上電話 曼菲斯警方發布了六月七日在一次交通違法事件中 五名黑人員警把二十九歲的黑人青年打成重傷 不幸三天後在醫院中逝世 五名警察當日被開除並控以謀殺罪

我們對此真是感到痛心疾首 又一次被警察虐待致死之事件 尼可斯之死 在全國掀起抗議熱潮 尤其是非裔及少數族裔社區 大家更是心情凝重 為何此種悲劇不斷上演

剛過去在加州小台北及半月灣之謀殺案 使得亞裔社區慘案不斷 兇手都是華亞裔人 更使我們蒙羞

今天我們的社會真的生病了 如果不再對疫下藥 真是會病入膏肓 後果不堪設想

                                   Tyre Nichols’s Funeral Will Be Held Today

Vice President Harris will attend the funeral of Tyre Nichols in Memphis Today. The Vice President spoke with Nichols’s mother and expressed her deep condolences and offered the family support as they continue to navigate this challenging time. President Biden also spoke with the family last Friday hours before a video of Nichols’s beating by police officers was released by Memphis officials.

The city of Memphis released a body camera and surveillance video of the January 7th traffic stop and beating that led to the 29-year-old's death from the injuries. Three days later, the five Memphis police officers, who also are black, have been fired and were charged with murder.

We are really saddened by this tragedy, another incident of a citizen being beaten to death by the police. The death of Nichols has set off a wave of protests across the country, especially in the African and minority communities. Everyone is now even more solemn about this incident. Why do these kinds of tragedies happen? Are they part of the police's aggressive agenda and even constantly planned out?

Today our society is really sick. If we the citizens no longer take any action, the consequences can be unimaginable.