社評 0204 布林肯取消訪華

美國國防部宣稱,一個有三輛大巴士大的侦察汽球在北部蒙特納州上空被發現, 官員們確定是屬於中國大陸, 這個汽球目前在航空軌道之上方運行,目前對軍事及地面不構成威脅, 這項指控正逢國務卿布林肯前往北京訪冋前夕, 拜登總統在接到報告後 ,不建議把這個汽球打下來, 因為他顧慮會對居民造成傷害 ,目前美方已經把此事通告中國大陸政府及駐華府使館。
大陸官方表示,這個汽球是用於民間科研之用,而且美方是事前知情, 這個汽球將在美國上空停留數天之久, 它是在六萬英尺高空飛行 ,美國國防部同時在拉丁美洲上空也同時發現了中國大陸之巨型汽球 ,中國政府承認該汽球為中國所屬, 並對汽球誤飛入美國領空表示遺憾。
由於汽球事件, 布林肯國務卿宣布已經取消前往北京之行程 ,他在週五取消行程時表示,他不希望這一事件主導他和中國官員之會談。
此事件無疑是讓中美兩國關係雪上加霜, 並且激起美國國內反中之情绪, 尤其是國會反華之議員們。
由於台灣問題仍然是美中衝突之症結所在 ,布林肯即便訪華,其成果也是有限。
Blinken Cancels His China Trip
Secretary of State Blinken canceled his trip to China due to the incident of the unmanned Chinese airship that entered into U.S. airspace.
But the Chinese government said that the airship is of a civil nature and is used for scientific research such as meteorology and explained that the airship seriously deviated from its scheduled route.
The Pentagon earlier denied the Chinese government’s claim saying that it is a surveillance balloon. The Pentagon also claimed that another Chinese spy balloon is currently transiting over Latin America.
This incident undoubtedly exacerbates the relationship between China and the U.S. and arouses anti-China sentiment in Congress.
Because of the Taiwan issue, this is still a critical conflict for the two countries. Even Blinken’s future achievements will now be limited, even whenever he may visit China.
We are worried that the two major powers of the world will again face yet another serious challenge.