0209 華裔社區之呼聲

下週一下午三時 ,由國會議員格林為華亞裔社區召集之一次座談會將於美南電視環球劇場召開 ,主要是聼取華亞裔社區及商界之意見, 這也是首次華人商界大老及領袖一起出席共商對策。
近數十年來, 德州休斯敦及達拉斯主要城市湧進了數十萬華裔, 其中大半是到美國留學後留下來就業及創業之知識分子,後來就有更多依親移民到了美國。
老實說 ,我們對於這片土地充滿了感激和信心 ,由于大家共同努力及一股勤奮之精神, 我們可以說是非常成功的亞裔族群。
可是近年來, 由於中美關係之不斷惡化, 華人在美國社會遭到了諸多歧視 ,包括德州參議院正在討論的限制華人購買房地產案。
我們要非常嚴肅的指出, 這是一個非常明顯之排華法案, 對於我們一個強大之民主國家而言, 真是莫大之耻辱。
今天我們要把所有之華商華人團結起來, 向主政者發出警告 ,我們堅決反對這個法案之通過,它不但違反了美國立國精神 ,他們把我們華裔是如何看待?!
我們非常感謝格林議員為我們挺身而出, 他是我們真正的好友。
The Voice Of The Chinese American Community
Our dear friend Congressman Al Green will call a town hall meeting at the STV Global Studio next Monday mainly to listen to the opinions from Chinese American community leaders.
Over the recent decades, hundreds of thousands of Chinese Americans have poured into major cities of Texas, including Houston and Dallas. Most of them are intellectuals who stay here for employment and business. Later, after their studies in the United States, many of their relatives also immigrate here.
To be honest, all of us are full of gratitude and confidence in this land. Thanks to everyone’s joint efforts and diligence, we can stand tall as a group of very successful ethnic Asians.
However, in recent years, due to the continuous deterioration of the Sino-US relationship, Chinese Americans have suffered a lot of discrimination, including a current bill in the Texas Senate that tries to ban Chinese from buying real estate in Texas.
We want to point out that this is very obviously an extension of the Chinese Exclusionary Act from the past. This is a great shame for our powerful democracy.
Today we urge all our brothers and sisters to remain united and act together against this bill which not only violates the spirit of the founding of our country, but is also an example of how to not treat our Chinese Americans.
We are very grateful to our brother Al Green who is always standing with us. He is our true friend