社評0210 我們邀请大家參加華裔大遊行

由華人社團及民選代表共同發起的華裔反對德州參議院排華大遊行, 將於明天週六上午十時在休斯敦華埠黃金廣告聚集, 共同反對德州參議院即將提出之禁止中國公民購買土地案。
這個遊行預定有近千人報名參加, 也是近年來華人最大的一次集會, 我們非常高興参加這次事關我們世代華裔之基本權利的发声机会, 絕不可能妥協。
美國的部分政客為了搭乘反中之政治氣氛, 莫名奇妙地提出這麼離譜的法案, 公然反對中國公民購買土地, 這印證了當年反華法案之死灰復燃 ,公然挑戰華裔公民之基本權利。
姑且某些參議員在玩文字遊戲 ,指稱是對中國政府之公司及某些人士 ,但是最終還是反映了他們歧視華裔之心理和型態。
我們已經不可再坐視了, 我也將於週一下午三時邀請了休斯敦華裔精英及代表再度召開記者會,表示我們的憤怒和不滿。
We Want To Invite All Of You To Join The
Chinese community leaders and elected officials will join together tomorrow at 10:00 am in Houston's Chinatown to protest the upcoming bill in the Texas Senate that would prohibit Chinese citizens from buying land in Texas.
Nearly five hundred people have already signed up for this march which is also the largest gathering of Chinese people in recent years. All that we are asking for is a basic right of our generation of Chinese.
In order to take advantage of the anti-Chinese political atmosphere, some misguided politicians have proposed such an outrageous bill to openly oppose the purchase of land by Chinese citizens which further confirms the resurgence of the anti-Chinese bill of last year and openly challenges the basic rights of new citizens.
Some senators are playing the game saying that this is just a bill against Chinese communists and other un-American people, but the bill still reflects a clear pattern of discrimination against the Chinese community.
We have also invited a group of Chinese community leaders to come on camera next Monday at 3:00 pm in our TV studio to express their anger and dissatisfaction with this unfortunate development.