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社評0221 黃金州在褪色中?

社評0221  黃金州在褪色中?


當年我要從令人陶醉的舊金山遠走德克薩斯州時,许多友人包括老美在內對我說,你瘋了?那是酷熱沙漠地大而人煙稀少的大農村, 當時我確實猶疑不決, 但是想想我們到美國來是要努力學業學習英文, 舊金山商業鼎盛, 華人老僑為社區中堅 ,到處聽到聽不懂的唐話,我最後還是決定撞走德州, 只有把舊金山之美景藏在心底, 走蕩他鄉, 此去竟是數十年寒暑, 往往一個決定影響了後半生。

上週末, 我們重新回到了熟悉的加州蒙特利市,俗稱小台北 ,老友潘兄駕車去了上月發生十一條命案的舞蹈中心現㘯, 這些被害人之巨幅肖像仍然掛在現場供人弔念。 我也當塲躹躬黙哀 ,心中激起了無限之感慨和悲傷 ,這批來自世界各地的華人同胞就如此喪生在暴徒槍下, 我頓時覺得週遭充斥著一片愁云慘霧, 令人傷感之至。

從洛城僅飛航一個多小時,我又在舊金山機場降落, 多年沒有回來了 ,這是同一個地方,我到達美國的第一站 。下機後我們穿走在崎嶇上下斜坡的市區中, 從主街到當年整潔走動的紳士淑女們, 如今目睹的確是衣冠不整之流浪漢和醉鬼 ,我不停注視著令人難予置信的一幕。我的感覺是—黃金州已經在褪色中。

 Is The Golden State Fading?

Many years ago when I was ready to leave San Francisco and go to Texas, many friends said to me, "Are you crazy? Texas is a state that is very hot like a big desert."

At that time, I was indeed hesitant, but while I thought that we came to this country to study and learn English, San Francisco was prosperous and the older generation of Chinese were the backbone of our comunity. When they spoke the old dialect, I could not even understand. Finally I decide to go to Texas to explore my future. I just hide the beautiful San Francisco in the bottom of my heart.

Just last week I returned to California and me and my old friend Richard visited the tragedy site at Monterey Park where11 people had been killed. Huge portraits of these victims are still hanging at the scene. I also bowed and mourned. Suddenly I felt the surroundings were full of sad clouds and misery which was so very sad.

Yesterday it just took me one hour and I flew to San Francisco and landed at the same airport when I first came to America. After getting off the plane, we were traveling to the San Francisco Market Street through Stockton Bush and Pine Street. We saw many homeless people and drunks on the street, instead of many dressed up ladies and gentlemen.

I really felt sad about this loving place and my favorite city. When I looked into the sky, it was still very beautiful and sunny weather. My feeling is that the Golden State is already fading.