社評0303 修正中的德州參院147 條法案

修正中的德州參院147 條法案
原本提案阻止華人在德州購買土地案的參議員柯赫斯在一項公開記者會中表示, 経過聆聽各界人士之反對意見 ,她將提案非常清楚的修正為所有公民及持有綠卡者都可以在德州購買房地產。
參院第147條法案在去年十二月提出之後得到許多共和黨包括艾伯特州長之支持, 该項法案是阻止所有來自中國大陸、 北韓、 伊朗及俄羅斯之公民在德州購買土地包括住房及私人住宅在內。
這項提案立即引起華亞裔社區之劇烈反彈, 並舉辦了多次反對示威遊行。
週四上午九時 大約有近百位華裔社區人士前往首府在議會大廈中作證表示對法案之不滿情緒 ,他們普遍認為這是一條違反美國憲法及反亞裔的嚴重立法, 並且會問接引起反亞裔之行動, 也再次影射到1800 年代之排華法案及二次大戰時的日本人集中營之歷史記憶。
我們要非常慎重的指出 ,不論147法案最後如何修正通過 ,它已經造成了對華裔族群之感情傷害, 其中也包括來自伊朗、 俄羅斯、 北韓之族裔人士, 許多人因政治原因來到美國尋求更好的生活。
我們要切記, 美國之壯大和成長是靠來自全球千萬移民之努力 ,大家都是移民, 只是有先來後到之別 ,如果我們被一批政客來利用和操縦, 可能就是國家之不幸了。
We are still anger about the Bill 147 at Texas Senate
Republican Senator Kolkhurst who originally proposed the bill to prevent citizen of Chinese buying the land in Texas said Thursday that after listening to the opposition of people from all walks of life she will amended the bill so the all citizens and green card holders can buy real estate in Texas.
The senate Bill 147 which was introduced in December last year was supported by many Republicans including Governor Albert. The bill is to prevent all citizens from Mainland china North Korea Russia and Iran buying the land in Texas including housing and private home.
This bill immediately aroused a fierce rebound from Chinese Asian comunity and held many demonstration.
On Thursday near 100 Chinese American went to Texas capital to testify at Senate building to express their anger that believed this is the bill violates the U.S. constitution and anti-Asian. Which once again insinuated the history of Chinese excluded act and concentration camp in World war II
We all should understand that this great nation is build by the immigrants ten of millions people came to here to look for better life we don’t need to used and manipulated by a group of politicians it may be misfortune of the country.