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社評0307 歡迎國會議員趙美心到訪德州

社評0307 歡迎國會議員趙美心到訪德州


應國會議員格林及華亞裔社區之邀请, 首任當選華裔國會議員的趙美心定於週六專程參加在休斯敦舉辦的千人反對德州禁止出售土地給來自中國大陸、 伊朗、北韓及俄羅斯提案 。我們在此表示熱烈之歡迎  ,並感謝趙議員雪中送碳之熱誠和鼓舞。

祖籍廣東,她父親已經是在美國出生的首位華裔眾議員。 趙美心是心理學博士並曾在大學任教二十年。 她代表了加州華人聚集之蒙特利市, 多年來為華亞裔及其他少數民族在國會殿堂仗義直言, 已經有二十年之歷史。

我們今天正處於華裔美人之歷史關鍵時刻 ,從德州參議院正在準備提出之法案, 正說明了主流社會對華裔之歧視 。不論法案如何修改 ,其用意是在阻止華人在美國之發展。

在美華人共同覺醒之時候到來了, 近百年來我們在美國社會一直是張乖乖牌, 工作努力 ,奉公守法 ,極少上街示威表達不滿 。

本週六上午十時半, 我們在德州休斯敦將舉辦一場千人大集會, 表達我們心中之怒吼和不滿,也希望我們大家踴躍參與為自己之權利而奮戰。

Welcome Congresswoman Judy Chu's Visit To Texas

At the invitation of Congressman Al Green and the Asian Chinese community, Judy Chu, the first elected Chinese American congresswoman is scheduled to participate in a big rally in Houston, Texas. This rally will show how strongly our community is united against the Texas Senate bill that would ban citizens from China, Iran, North Korea and Russia to buy land in Texas. 

We are here to welcome and thank our Congresswoman Judy Chu for coming to Texas and joining us in supporting this important event. Congresswoman Chu is from a Chinese family and her father was born in California. After she got her doctorate degree, she taught in a university for twenty years. Later she became the first Chinese American congresswoman representing her constituents in California and has served all the people in that region very well. 

It is time for Chinese Americans to wake up together. For nearly one hundred years we have been good citizens and hard workers and very rarely have we gone to the streets to demonstrate and express our dissatisfaction with the issues.

Now this is the time we will all stand up together this coming Saturday. At 10:30 am we will host a big rally at  Stafford Center in Stafford, Texas, to show our unity and express that we are totally against the bill that is now in the Texas Senate.