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社評0309 我们大家都要站出來 參加週六上午三千人大會

社評0309 我们大家都要站出來  參加週六上午三千人大會



自從三年多前新冠疫情席捲全球, 世界局勢開了重大轉折 。全球人類遭受到空前痛苦, 也導至美國種族歧視之抬頭 ,我們華裔美人被矮化醜化和攻擊。

今天在德州參院中反對華人購買德州土地之法案 ,不管它如何修改 ,始終和華裔有著不可分割之關係。 我們的反對和示威可以也改變不了這些政客之初心。

所幸我們多年來在社區共同奮鬥的各族裔政商社會領袖, 他們挺身而出, 要為我們華裔打抱不平 。因此 ,我們決定在後天週六(3月11日)上午十一時在休斯敦市斯坦福社區中心舉行千人大集會, 向德州參議院之法案提出嚴正抗議,將由國會議員格林 、郭西亞 、州參議員惠特邁領軍結合華亞裔 、非裔 、拉丁裔 、猶太裔及主流社區代表向社會及州議會發出怒吼。

此時此刻,我們華裔同胞, 已經不能再沈默了 ,是我們要行動的時候了。

We all have to stand up 

Rally on coming Saturday 

Since the covid-19 swept the world more than three years ago the world situation has taken major  turn. People around the world have suffered unprecedented  pain which also led to the rise of racial discrimination in United States. Specially with Chinese Asian decent. 

Today the bill in Texas Senate try to ban the Chinese to buy land in Texas no matter how they amend it has always had an inseparable relationship with us. 

 Fortunately we have many politicians community leaders   Have came forward to fight for our Chinese comunity. 

We decided to hold a rally on coming saturday 11:00 at Stanford center the rally will led by our congress Al Green   Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia Congresswoman Judy Chu and State Senator Joh Whitmire and leaders from Afirican Latino comunity. 

We are hereto urge you must come to join this important rally to fight for our right and for future generation. 

We see you on Saturday.