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社評0310 這是我們要團結一致之重要時刻

社評0310 這是我們要團結一致之重要時刻


近幾年來,由於世界政治版圖之變化, 新冠疫情及俄烏戰爭造成對我們小老百姓之巨大影響,也造成整個社會型態之改變。

我們居住在美國的華人之處境也隨着世界情勢之變化變得日愈艱難, 主要原因是社會大眾對華亞裔之歧視不斷上升,新冠病毒被川普總統污名化為中國病毒之後,這個說法影響深遠。

今天在美國國會普遍認為中國大陸是對美國潛在最大之威脅,因此全面掀起反華之政治風潮 ,尤其是近來,包括德州在內之共和黨執政者分別提出要限制華人購買土地之法令 。

我們今天要慎重之指出 ,這種限制外國人購地之法律基本上是違反了美國憲法之立國精神 ,不論法律如何制定 ,都有反華裔之意義內在。

華裔在所有之族群是十足的乖乖牌 ,多半都是奉公守法 ,努力工作 ,在学校𥚃也是品學兼優的好學生,成千上萬之華人留學生在畢業之後多半是留在美國貢獻所長,而且多半皆歸化為美國籍落葉生根

這項德州參院之法案不論以任何文字方式通過立法 ,將會引發全國不同州之倣效,對於華人社會之影響將是非常深遠。

今天在許多同情我們的民意代表之支持下,我們已經取得各族裔之大力支持,這股力量將無法阻擋 ,我們大家手中之一票將可決定政客們之命運。

This Is An Important Moment For Us To Unite

In recent years, due to changes in the world’s political map, the Covid-19 epidemic and the war in Ukraine, all have all had huge impacts on  ordinary people and have also caused deep changes in the world's overall social pattern. 

The situation of our Chinese living in the United States has also become more and more difficult at the same time along with the other major changes in the rest of the world. After the novel coronavirus was stigmatized as a "Chinese virus" by ex-president Donald Trump, this statement has gained profound impact. 

Today the U.S. Congress generally believes that mainland China is potentially the biggest threat to the United States. Recently, the Texas Senate has proposed a bill to ban Chinese citizens from buying land in the state of Texas. We need to point out that this law basically violates the founding spirit of the U.S. Constitution. No matter how the law is amended, it has inherent anti-Chinese significance. 

Today many elected officials sympathize and stand with us and we have won the strongest support of other ethnic groups. We want to remind all the politicians that the vote is still in our hands and one day we can vote you out of office.