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社評0320 政治動亂再起

社評0320 政治動亂再起


前總統川普宣稱,他將在明天被捕。這位曾經被控煽動國會暴亂被社群媒體臉書、 推特封殺之後, 他今天突然在臉書上發文說我回來了。 他並且在網上說:「遙遙領先的共和黨候選人和美國前總統將於週二被捕」,被怒批紐約曼哈頓檢查官之腐敗,還揑造犯罪紀錄, 他並且勸說支持者就他面臨的法律危險進行抗議, 是美國民間發生騷亂的時候了。

我們要非常遺憾的指出, 美國國內政治上之攻防戰已經開始 。共和民主兩黨在爭奪2024 年總統之戰已經提前開打。 對於川普總統之起訴將導致兩大政黨火併之局面。

早在二O二0年之總統大選 ,川普迄今未承認投票結果, 他認為拜登之获選是無效的 。事過兩年多之後, 川普正式宣布再次問鼎白宮, 而且是共和黨目前聲望最高之可能候選人。

目前執政的民主黨目前也在準備拜登之連任, 當然對川普之挑戰絕不手軟。

我們眼看這𠆤民主國家的老大再次深䧟政治之攻防戰 ,我們到底要如何說服全世界來實行真正的民主, 是否再要暴民來攻佔國會大廈。

不知道川普死忠支持者會有什麼動作, 如果因而引起騷亂, 將是我們大家的不幸。

Trump Says He Expects To Be Arrested

Former President Trump said he expects to be arrested in connection with the investigation into a hush money scheme involving adult actress Stormy Daniels and he called on his supporters to protest.

Any indictment of the former president who is running for re-election in 2024 would represent  legal woes as he works to recapture the White House.

We would like to point out, with great regret, that the domestic political fight has already begun. The Republicans' and Democrats' fight and race for the 2024 office of the presidency of the United States has started ahead of schedule. 

Early in the 2020 election, President Trump refused to recognize the voting results. More than two years later, he has announced that he would run for the White House again. For the time being, he is the leading Republican presidential candidate in the polls. 

We have to admit that our political system is in chaos. How can we persuade the rest of the world to follow us into a true democracy?

We really don’t know what the followers of Trump will do on Tuesday. If Trump will actually be arrested, this will be very unfortunate for the country, if not for the whole world. We also are now very worried about who will be the next leader to lead our nation.