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社評0321 這裡就是我們的家

社評0321  這裡就是我們的家



應阿拉伯國家交響樂團之邀,上周六晚上聆聽了一場令人感動而醉人之音樂盛會, 更挑起了無數移民之心弦, 让我們這𠆤族裔大熔爐的土地更加多彩多姿。 

歌劇是依據一位高中一年級隨家人移民美國的黎巴嫩少女之故事, 改編成為一支動人的歌曲,由美麗動人的歌唱家唱出了她的心聲。 初抵美國時, 由於文化生活習慣之大不同, 對於這片陌生土地只有以淚洗面, 度日如年, 經過了多月之掙扎, 她有了新的朋友而且日漸熟悉了週遭環境 ,在學業上更是人得心應手 。但是她還是懷念自己阿拉伯文化及無數親友, 如今 她已經大學畢業, 有了良好之職業, 她十分感激這個國家賜給之機會, 她成為地道的阿拉伯裔美國人, 她熱愛自己固有之文化,也成為新的美國人, 這裡就是我們的家。

這塲由數十人組成之交響樂團在二千多觀眾的歡呼聲中, 演奏了許多動人心弦的阿拉伯音樂組曲, 尤其是一些古典及眾人耳熟能詳的民謠,把台上台下交織歌唱成一片振撼人心的歌聲。我看到許多人在拭淚, 這確是他們久違的鄉音。

阿拉伯世界代表了數千年文化底韻 ,埃及、黎巴嫩首席歌手為休斯敦帶來了美麗的弦律和文化。

 This Is Our Home 

At the invitation of the Arab National Symphony Orchestra, we listened to a very touching and intoxicating musical event last Saturday night. 

The inspiring operatic musical is based on the story of a Lebanese girl who immigrated to the United States with her family in her first year of high school. Due to the great difference  in the culture and living habits, she suffered greatly and had to wash her face often with her tears of disappointment. After many months of struggle, she eventually made new friends and got used to her new environment and she became more proficient in her school studies. But still she missed her Arabic friends and culture. Now she has graduated from college and has a good career and she is very grateful for the opportunity to be governed by this country. She had become Arabic- American, but even though she loved her native culture, so she chose to become a new American. This is her home now. 

The orchestra is composed of dozens of musicians who played many touching Arabic musical compositions. Amidst the cheers from an audience of more than 2,000, many classical and well-known folk songs were artistically  intertwined on the stage and were 

all sung together making it into a spectacular and very unique- sounding song. 

I saw many people wiping away their tears following the performance. The Arabic world represents thousands of years of cultural heritage. They have brought many beautiful songs and a wonderful culture to our city.