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社評0327 美國抖音 尾大不掉

社評0327 美國抖音 尾大不掉

美國抖音 尾大不掉

在中美關係不斷惡化之下, 華府國會山莊包括共和民主兩黨國會議員在國會之聽證會上, 把這位出生在新加坡年僅四十的華裔周受資詢問得體無完膚,火药味十足, 直指美國抖音是与北京當局直接相通,違害國家安全的社群媒體, 非要把它趕出美國。

和中文抖音不同版本之美國抖音, 目前在美國有一半人口使用 ,大約超過一億五千萬人, 預計今年總收入將超過七十八億美金, 是近年來上載人數最多的社群軟體。

抖音目前除了遭到國會議員之圍剿外, 另一原因確是美國國內的許多社群媒體遭到了巨大威脅, 由于登陸客戶之下降 ,失去許多收入而在不斷裁員 ,因此他們有非常厲害的遊說客在製造這股反抖音之力量。

從政治層面看來, 對拜登政府也是件十分棘手之事, 民主黨能得罪得了一億多位抖音使用者嗎? 而且多半是年輕選民。

今天中美兩國在經濟科技上掀起之熱戰, 又更延伸到了社群媒體上, 目前國會中這股反華之風潮, 是主要之因素。

 TikTok Is Another "Big" Issue 

With the relationship between the U.S. and China deteriorating, the U.S. Congress, including both Democrat and Republican members, invited Tiktok CEO Shou Yi Chew to Congrees to testify about TikTok in the United States. The majority of the members of Congress believed, because of today's strained relationship with Beijing, that TikTok is a threat to America's national security.

The American TikTok, which is a different version than the Chinese version, currently has more than half of our population using the TikTok app. That means that of   the 150 million users of the app, most of them young people, are  the company's active clients who are driving a projected 2023 record revenue income volume of more than $7.8 billion dollars. TikTok is the largest social media app that people have uploaded in recent years.

Today many of our other social media platforms are also facing tough competition. In the growing and crowded market some of them are losing the battle and have laid off many their employees.

With the hot trade war going on between the U.S and China, science and technology products and services are playing increasingly major roles as they enter into the social media culture.

If more than half of our people are using TikTok, the Biden administration will need to be careful in handling any ban of TikTok because most of these people are voters.