社評 0330 馬英九哽咽了

前總統馬英九在參觀完了南京大屠殺紀念館之後, 面對各界人士時, 他真的哽咽了。 他對於這段抗日戰爭最殘酷之歷史, 有發自內心之悲痛 ,並誓言海峽兩岸的中國人一定要記起這段苦難之歷史。
馬英九近日來在大陸之訪問, 掀起了一陣旋風 。這是七十四年來第一次到訪之台灣前領導人, 意义絕非尋常, 這將會在海峽兩岸激起新的思潮。
七年前,當馬英九交出政權時 ,海峽兩岸之關係開始劇變。 民進黨抛去九二共識開始積極向美國靠攏,多年來隨着國際局勢之演變及俄烏之戰 ,台灣變成了目前世界上之戰爭焦點 。
老實說, 生活在台灣島上的二千三百萬人, 並非都贊成民進黨之政策, 但是他們也無能為力, 也就成為大國博奕下之棋子, 一旦戰爭爆發, 將是國破家亡。
馬英九之大陸行, 為我們中華民族同文同種之兩岸同胞帶來了希望, 舆他同行的年青學子更有機會增加對中國大陸之深切瞭解, 大家和平奮鬥同振中華。
戰爭太可怕了, 絕對沒有蠃家,我們奉勸海峽兩岸之執政者, 凡事以蒼生為重, 你們的領導是一時的, 國家民族之生存發展才是永遠 ,我們需要和平, 坚决反對戰爭。
馬前總統是位中華民族之和平使者, 我們祝福您的偉大使命和精神。
Ma Ying-jeou Choked
After visiting the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall yesterday in China, former president of Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou really choked-up in front of a crowd of people. He had strong, heartfelt grief over the most cruel history of the anti-Japanese war and vowed that Chinese people on both sides of the strait must remember this history of deepest suffering.
Ma’s recent visit to the mainland has set off a whirlwind. This is the first visit from a leader of Taiwan to Mainland China in 74 years.
When Ma Ying-jeou handed over power to the DPP seven years ago, the relationship between Taiwan and China had deteriorated. Over the years, the evolution of the international situation made Taiwan become the focus of war.
Ma’s visit to China brings hope to the people on both sides of strait, especially for those young students who will get to know each other better now.
We urge all the politicians to understand that we don’t need to go to war. We don’t want to destroy our country and our families. Peace is the only solution for our problem.
We are here to congratulate President Ma for your mission and for building the bridge for our future and we hope that your trip will be a great success.