社評0407 裁員潮將到來

由于美聯儲不斷加息造成之經濟衰退, 許多人擔心經濟蕭條之到來。
根據專家們之分柝 ,影響最大之行業可能是電腦科技、 交通運輸、 儲倉業及建築業 其他服務業 、生產製造 房地產及大宗貿易都會受到影響。
過去兩年來, 業主有些困難招到員工, 但是目前由於經濟及通膨影響許多業主都在裁員 ,目前仍然大量需求之行業是保健 餐飲及旅館業。
由於俄烏戰爭持續不斷, 中美關係未見好轉, 全球化經濟正在崩裂, 世界各國今年之經濟成長將非常緩慢, 物價高漲, 造成人民生活困苦, 這已經是全球性之危機。
今天美國是全球最大之經濟體, 更是世界最大之消費市埸及軍事強權, 我們認為為了世界未來之和平發展應該負起稹極之任務, 如果許多國家國民民不聊生, 還有什么人権自由民主可言。
改善經濟環境是當前最重要之課題 ,我們應該放下本身之歧見, 以蒼生為重 ,乃是真正政治家努力之方向。
Layoffs Are Coming
As recession worries intensify, people are wondering which sectors of employment will be hit the hardest. According to the experts, the industries with the highest risk of job layoffs are information, transportation, warehousing and construction, followed closely by repair and personnel services, manufacturing, real estate and wholesale trade.
Over the last two years we have had a hard time of hiring recurring labor as well as retaining workers because of the tighter immigration laws, the aging population and because the demand for labor has been strong.
Today with the high inflation and higher interest rates, some employers are shedding jobs to protect their bottomlines.
Due to the continuation of the Russia-Ukraine war and because the strained Sino-US relations have not improved, the global economy is collapsing. The economic growth of many countries is now at the lowest point in several years. From the consumers' viewpoint, high prices are causing serious difficulties in people’s lives. This has already become a global issue.
Today the United States is the world’s largest economy and the leader of the global marketplace and as such, we believe that we should shoulder the ultimate task of working toward insuring the world’s future peace and prosperity.
Improving the world's economic environment is the most important topic at the present time, internationally speaking. All the leaders of the world need to put aside their own interests and differences with other countries and work together for the future of the world.