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社評 0417 我們的族裔聯合陣線已刻不容緩

社評 0417  我們的族裔聯合陣線已刻不容緩


今天看到佛羅里達州參院全票通過禁止中國人購買土地案, 心中再次激起憤慨 ,預料此反華議案也會在德州通過。

這兩個月來, 由聯邦國會議員格林、 著名牧師佈道家狄克森和許多華亞裔社區領袖共同發起成立族裔聯合陣線, 已經開過數次籌備會, 並且已決定五月十三日舉行第二次族群群眾大會, 主要是抗議德州147 條法案,為華亞裔們伸張正義。

今天我們要特別呼籲華亞裔同胞們, 我們已經不能再沈默了。 這項禁止土地購買法案, 澈頭澈尾是個反華裔之政治案件, 如果它們都在各州之眾議院通過 ,州長簽署後生效, 可能就在七月一日生效。

我們試問, 長相都像華裔中國人的亞裔 ,如果我們要買土地得先證明你不是中國公民, 這難道不是歧視嗎?

在幾次籌備會中, 白先慎教授、 黃華女士都曾全程參與, 我們呼籲願意加入隊伍的華亞裔人士可以和我們連絡, 尤其是五月十三日下午一時之群眾大會, 大家一定要踴躍參加, 詳情即將在下週公告週知。

 Our Ethnic United Front Is Urgent And Cannot Wait

Today, after seeing the unanimous vote of the Florida Senate to prohibit the purchase of land by Chinese, we are once again aroused with indignation as well as determination to express our uncompromised disapproval of this action. It is expected that the anti-Chinese bill currently in Austin will also be passed in Texas.

Over the past two months, the establishment of the Ethnic United Front and the forming of a coalition in Houston Texas, was jointly initiated by U.S. Congressman Al Green, the famous pastor and evangelist Bishop Dixon, and many Chinese and Asian community leaders. Several preparatory meetings have since been held and it has been decided to hold the second ethnic group meeting on Saturday, May 13 at 1:00 pm. The mass meeting’s purpose is mainly to protest the Texas 147 bill again to achieve justice for all Chinese and Asians.

Today we would like to specifically appeal to all fellow Chinese and Asians. We can no longer be silent. This land purchase ban bill is totally discriminatory and anti-Chinese and a political case through and through.


If the bill passes in the House, then governor says he will sign it into law on July 1 of this year. In other words, any and all Asians who want to buy land in Texas, according to the law, will need to prove that they are not Chinese citizens because we all look like each other.

Let’s ask all Asians who all look like Chinese how they feel. If we want to buy land, you must first prove that you are not a Chinese citizen. Isn’t this discrimination?

In several preparatory meetings, Professor Bai Xianshen and Ms. Huang Hua have participated in the whole process. We appeal to all the Chinese and Asian communities who are willing to join the team to contact us and especially attend the meeting at 1:00 pm on May 13th. Everyone must actively participate. Additional details will be announced next week.