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社評0418 華亞裔團體挑戰之時刻到來了

社評0418 華亞裔團體挑戰之時刻到來了


近半世紀來, 我們大家風起雲湧似的來到了美利堅合眾國 ,有的是以留學生、 親屬移民、 觀光商業簽證 ,或跳船越過美墨高牆來到了美國。 老實說, 這塊土地碓實給予我們自由和機會, 每當我走在國際區街頭時,親睹大家埋頭苦幹, 各種商家林立, 百業興盛, 心中有說不出之興奮。

 但是, 這些榮景後面已經有許多隱憂在形成中。今天美國社會在銳變中, 如果我們看看那些走進商店大搖大擺從貨架上搬走物品的鏡頭, 因為根據當地法律只要不超過九百五十元都不在起訴之列, 多少發生在全國各地之槍擊案, 孩童學生們都死於槍下, 往日金光閃耀的洛杉磯大道被無業遊民們攻佔了, 暴徒們公然侵佔國會山莊, 這些亂象已經成為我們衰敗的現象。

華亞裔移民被稱為國家的模範生, 但是這批被視為他族的人, 因為他們之成功變成了嫉妬之對象, 對亞裔之個仇視在不斷蔓延之中。我們今天要學習拉丁裔和非裔之抗爭精神, 唯有和他們一起組成聯合陣線,才是我們自救之道。

Our Time Of Challenge Has Arrived

Over the last more than one-half century most of us have come here from many different places including as foreign students, tourists with our legal visas, by jumping off a ship or some have came here from Mexico as illegal immigrants.To be honest, this great land gave us all a great opportunity and the real taste of freedom. Whenever I walk through the International District, I see working people wearing many hats and opening all kinds of businesses and there is great excitement in my heart. 

Today our society is undergoing a very sharp and dangerous change. If we look at TV, we now see many people just walking into stores and start removing items from the shelves and then taking them out the door because according to local law, as long as the cost of the items taken doesn’t exceed $950 dollars, the theft will not be prosecuted. How many shootings occur all over the nation almost on a regular basis? Many of them result in the deaths of innocent children because it is so easy for anyone to buy a gun today.

In the past several years, Chinese Asian people are known as models of the community because all of us work hard and obey the laws and because of our success,we have become the object of racial jealousy. The hatred of Asians is constantly showing more and more in many areas of society now.

Today the leaders from the African American, Latino and Asian comunities are working to team up and join us in our fight. We need to get help from our friends and fight for our future together.