回到母校 重溫舊夢

在台北逗留了兩星期 ,我們和平之旅訪台團曾經廣泛地走訪了國民黨 新黨 、民進黨 、親民黨 及民眾黨之主席及立院黨鞭 ,並且和台北之智厙學者舉辦了多場對話座談 。對我來說,最有意義的還是回到母校國立政治大學和一批新聞系學
指南山下的政大校園,如今已經擴大許多院系,並且往山上擴建 ,昔日的老建築許多還在使用 ,其中最具歷史性的還是四維堂和新聞館。
李校長當天在行政大樓校方自設之餐廳為我設了午宴 ,我請了幾位當年同班同學和校長共餐,談了許多舊日之往事 ,包括令人怀念的醉夢溪。
我告訴新聞系的學弟學妹們 ,他們在走出校園前必須充分武裝好自己的能力 ,無論在任何職場和環境 ,唯有自強自立才能面對世界的挑战,未來是屬於你們的。
Back To My Alma Mater To Relive My Old Dream
After staying in Taipei for two weeks, our peaceful mission group visited all of Taiwan’s political parties, including the KMT and DPP people’s party and the new party and held a number of dialogue discussions with Taipei’s scholars to discuss current affairs.
For me, the most meaningful thing was that I returned to my old school, National Chengchi University, and met with the students at the university.
The old campus has been expanded to the mountain with many new buildings and a different school was established on the campus.
On the same day, President Ali set up a luncheon for me at the university hall. I invited many of my classmates to join the party and we talked about our old days.
I also told the young students that before they leave school they must fully arm themselves with knowledge to meet the challenges of the future.