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5/16/2023 星期二日記 我們站在歴史的正確面

5/16/2023 星期二日記 我們站在歴史的正確面

5/16/2023 星期二日記


德州多族裔聯盟陣線上週六在休斯敦舉行群眾大會 ,來自各族裔之代表在福廷萊中心共同宣告聯盟陣線之成立,也打開了華亞裔社區參與美國政治運動之新頁。

大會上之代表分別來自拉丁裔 、非裔 、華裔 、亞裔 、伊朗及許多不同族裔之社區領袖 ,在壯嚴之國歌聲中,代表們分別在台上講述一個自己近年來遭受之不公平待遇 ,其中最令人擔憂的是德州議會之第147 法案 ,它不但違反美國憲法精神 ,而且會影響到德州之經濟發展。

美國建國二百四十七年以來 ,從來就是個移民國家,來自世界各角落之人們為了追求更美好之生活,大家努力共建這塊土地 。我們的信念是遵重個人自由來促進社會繁榮。

我們欣見德州多族裔聯盟陣線己經正式登記,成為一個非營利之民間社團组織 ,今後必定能展開各項活動來聲援社會上之不公不義。



We Are On The Right Side Of History 

Texas Multicultural Advocacy Coalition held a Civil Rights Town Hall Meeting last Saturday at the Fountainlife Center in Houston, Texas. This event marked a new historical chapter in our community history. 

A diverse group of African, Latino, Asian and other community leaders got together to express their opinions on the stage. 

Dr. Sergio Lira from the Latino community and Bishop James Dixon gave us very meaningful speeches and talked about how we need to be united to fight for our rights. 

247 years ago our founding fathers started this country and wrote a constitution to protect all citizens of the United States with freedom and liberty for all. Today we are facing serious challenges and we need          to speak out and protest the unfair  and unjustified issues and actions, including Texas Bill 147 and the unilateral takeover of the Houston school district by the state government. 

We are so grateful that this organization will be our living platform for discussion as well as action to serve all our people in the future. We also urge all our community members to support this great mission.