社評0529 文化藝術盛宴 深植華裔社區

文化藝術盛宴 深植華裔社區
本週一連串華亞裔社區之文藝活動, 他們精彩絕倫之表演 ,舞出了我們華夏文化燦爛文化的篇章, 是我們多年來, 尤其是疫情過後最令人愉悅的時刻。
美國翔鳯龍獅會週六晚間在休斯敦舉辦了近千人之會師大會 ,來自全美各地及馬來西亞等各國之獅友們,在他們的舞獅點晴之精彩儀式上, 我們看見許多年輕力壯背上繡有翔鳳大字之功夫裝, 長型舞龍在台上蠕動, 響澈之鑼鼓聲令人振𡚒 。他們正背負着華夏文化在海外傳播之重大責任 ,尤其令人折服的是現塲主持王煒蘭小姐以中英越語介紹 。她的台風和風趣言詞, 把華亞裔文化解析得十分透澈。
多年來為我們主持新春游園會的表演藝術家高曉慧週日為周潔曉慧舞蹈學校舉辦了第二十六屆春之舞巨型表演, 台上的華裔青年學子們在中西音樂及巨幅逼真的大型背景前舞出了精彩多樣的舞蹈 ,更銓敘了華夏文化在世界文明史上之精髓。曉慧的創業伙伴周潔, 二十六年前在休斯敦播下了這顆文化藝術之種子, 她英年早逝 ,令人不舍 ,但有曉慧之繼續掌舵, 文化煙火繼續點燃下去。
由表演家王東方和東方藝術中心共同推出之第十九屆新絲路中國國際少年模特𠒇大賽及央視2023少儿紅國際大賽記者會分別在上週日舉行, 让我們已停屯多年之文藝活動又重新出發 。
Deeply Rooted In Our Community
This week there were a series of cultural and artistic activities in our community. Their wonderful performances have drawn out a special chapter of our cultural. It has been a most pleasant moment for us in many years, especially following the restrictive epidemic time.
The Soaring Phoenix Dragon & Lion Dance Association has celebrated their 25 years anniversary in Houston. Almost one thousand guests came from around the world to see their wonderful lion dance. We saw many young Chinese Americans with strong backs embroidered with the strikingly colorful Kung Fu costumes. The long dragon dancers squirmed around on the stage and were joined by the pounding sounds of the drums. The result is an exciting dance and action drama that has spanned the ages. They are now preparing for the spread of Chinese culture overseas. Especially the MC Miss Wang, who interprets in many languages including Chinese, Vietnamese and English. She was a wonderful host for all of us.
Bao Xiaohui who is a performance artist hosted the spring dance and celebrated the 26th anniversary of the dancing school. The young students on the stage used their dance skills to portray both the East and West cultures.
At the same time, there is the 19th New Silk Road Chinese Young Modeling Competition and the CCTV 2023 Childrens Competition who also hosted their new conference.
Over the years our group of media workers have been very persistent and depensble in their news positions, always working hard for our community in this land. We always remember former Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao who said, "We will always be proud of our Chinese American heritage in this land.”
多年來我們這批媒體工作者非常執着地堅守在新聞的陣地上 也不斷為華裔文化在這塊土地上紥根而努力 我們和諸多文藝工作者之目標是一致的 我常記得前交通部長趙小蘭不斷提醒我們 在這塊土地上我們永遠以華裔為榮