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社評0601 惠特邁競選市長助選餐會

社評0601  惠特邁競選市長助選餐會


早在年前接到多年好友吉吉李之電話, 談到她多年之老闆德州參議員惠特邁有意競選休斯敦市市長,並希望我們能支持。 經過多次和參議員之交流 ,我們深感他應該是合適人選, 並決定於六月二日舉辦一次大型之助選餐會, 所不同的是由參議員買單請客。

今天我們大家聚集一堂, 來為惠特的邁參議員助選 ,為他走往休斯敦市長之路共同努力。

各位在座的兄弟姐妹們, 我們多半是為了追求自由和更美好之生活, 從世界各地來到這塊土地 。大家請看看這裡我們生活的國際區及西南區 二十多年前是片荒地, 多年來由于大家共同之努力和奮鬥 ,在此一地區已經成為大休斯敦經濟最繁榮的模範區。

今天我們需要有如惠特邁參議員之領導力, 來帶領我們繼續走向更光明之未來。

首先我們已經向他建議 ,如果他當選上市長, 立即規劃一個休斯敦輕工業文化經貿園區, 吸引更多之世界各地企業前來投資辦厰。

根據最新統計, 大休斯敦地區之亞裔太平洋島裔居民已經佔人口總數之百分之二十六, 人囗激增到一百二十萬, 我們今天來自亞洲各地之市民 ,就是市府最佳之民間大使, 我們向未來的市長保證 一定會竭盡所能 ,為休斯敦帶來更多之國民外交 、文化之交往。

今天我們亞裔社區面對非常嚴峻之挑戰 ,大家一定要勇敢地團結起來 ,為我們自己及未來之子孫繼續奮鬥, 並預祝惠特邁參議員競選市長馬到成功。 

Senator Whitmire Is Running For Mayor Of The City of Houston

As recently as one year ago, I received a phone call from my long time friend GiGi Lee saying that her boss, State Senator Whitmire, wanted to be Mayor of Houston and he hoped that we could support him. After many conversations with the senator, we feel that he is the right person to be our next mayor. 

Today we all gathered together to show our support for our new leader.

Dear brothers and sisters, most of us came here to pursue freedom and better life. We have come to  this land from all over the world. As President Reagan once said, "The United States is the only country in the world where no matter where you came from, you can become an American."

Please look at the place where we are today. Twenty years ago it was raw farm land. Over the years, due to our shared common efforts and struggles, the International District and Asian Town area has become one of top business models in the city of Houston. 

Today we are looking for Senator Whitmire to lead us into the next chapter. He also promised us if      he becomes Houston's next mayor, he woukd create a new business and industrial park in the city to attract more investors to come and relocate to our city. 

According to the latest statistics, the number of Asian Pacific Islanders has soared to 1.2 million population in the greater Houston area. This represents about 26% of our total population. Everyone of us could become a goodwill ambasador to represent this great city to promote diplomacy, culture and business. 

Today our AAPI comunity is facing a very serious challenge. We must unite under the leadership of Senator Whitmire. We are going to support him to become the next mayor of the City of Houston.