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社評 0619 父親節追念父親

社評 0619 父親節追念父親


戰亂打亂了父親年輕時之夢想,當他英年正茂時, 不得不離鄉背井, 遠走異域。 在水土不服陌生的土地上, 拖着我們姐姝兄弟面對了他人生最艱困的另一歴程。 就在我稍微懂事的孩提時期, 我記得在寒冬清晨走進了白色的醫院長廊, 眼看到身軀衰弱的父親由母親和大姐之陪同下, 座在輪椅上, 我們相擁相泣, 當我拍了他那消瘦的背肩, 我頓然意識到他可能是在他的人生戰場上打了敗仗, 望出窗外一片清綠之高山 ,為何把這冗長之長廊塗上如此蒼白無力之感覺。

由於父親之堅持在我十二歲時要我離家到城裡去上初中, 雖然家境清寒, 父親認為不能再犧牲下一代, 必須從他的教訓中要子女們出人頭地。 在我童年時期 ,最深刻的回憶就是每天晚上在微弱之燈光下同臥在父親背後共「讀」當天的報紙 ,他總是耐心地教我識字讀報 ,父親背後的餘溫, 成為我此生最深刻之記憶。

大學一年級暑期我非常幸運地謀得一份全職夜班之媒體工作, 對我而言這是改變我人生重大轉折點, 尤其是要從困苦之生活中掙脫出來。 父親經常在傍晚時分來看我 ,叮囑還是不可荒廢學業。 我一定在會面之後, 送走父親 ,我們父子沿着台北新公園紅磚路上走到台北車站 ,路上經常也無言以對, 但是當我握住他一雙消瘦的手臂時, 我心中隱藏着無比的心酸, 把他送進月台, 眼看他走進前往中壢之車廂, 他還是不斷揮手要我盡快回去上班。

從我懂事的時候, 我已經非常深刻地感受到父親對我的期望, 他的胆識和抱負, 已經被戰爭打亂了 。父親博學多聞及一手秀麗挺拔的書法, 終就让他有志難伸, 我深深地體會到父親寄望我完成他的夢想和心願。

父親因面對生活和心理之壓抑, 他的一生似乎都在困境中度過。 僅年過六旬撒手人間,數十年來, 我每想到父親的音容及抬頭看到父親之墨寶, 我總是再度打起精神繼續奮鬥。

又是父親節的今天, 相信我們每一個人都對自己的父親有𣎴同之記憶及感受, 對我而言 ,父親的身教、言教, 影響了我的一生, 行筆至此, 不禁淚下。

願父親在天堂露出微笑, 我們決不辜負你的期望和训示。 

  Father’s Day Memorial To My Father

The Chinese civil war disrupted my father’s dream when he was young . He had to leave his hometown and go away to a foreign land. In the strange land, he dragged our sisters and brothers to face the most difficult time of his life. 

In my slightly sensible childhood, I remember walking into the white hospital corridor. I saw my dad sitting in a wheelchair accompanied by my mom and sister. We hugged each other and cried. When I patted his thin shoulder, I suddenly realized that he might have been defeated on the battlefield of his life. 

My father insisted that I leave home and go to the city to study. In middle school when I was twelve, my dad thought that he could no longer 

sacrifice the next generation. The most profound memory of my childhood was to lie beside my father in the faint light every night to read the newspaper with him. 

I was very fortunate to get a full-time media job in the summer during my first year in college. This was the major turning point in my life, especially toward freeing of financial difficulty. My father often came to see me and reminded me to not give up on school. Every time I always sent my dad back to the Taipei railroad station, we walked through the red brick road nearby the Taipei City new park. For some time we were speechless, but I felt his thin hands with incomparable sadness. Seeing him walk into the train, he still waved for me to go back to work. 

I deeply felt that he wanted me to fulfill his dreams and wishes. My dad seems to have spent his whole life in tough times. He passed away at just sixty years old. 

Over the last several years, whenever I think of his voice and read his letter again, I always cheer up and continue to fight again. 

It’s Father's Day again. Everybody has different memories and feelings for their dad. For me, my dad’s teaching has affected my whole life. I can’t help crying. Dad, you should smile in heaven. We will never give up to meet your expectations and your instructions.